About Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar is the CEO of BioEnergy Consult, and an international consultant, advisor and trainer with expertise in waste management, biomass energy, waste-to-energy, environment protection and resource conservation. His geographical areas of focus include Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Salman has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biogas technology, biomass energy, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. Salman has participated in numerous national and international conferences all over the world. He is a prolific environmental journalist, and has authored more than 300 articles in reputed journals, magazines and websites. In addition, he is proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainability through his blogs and portals. Salman can be reached at salman@bioenergyconsult.com or salman@cleantechloops.com.

Zero Emissions, Zero Guilt: Why Electric Cars are the Future of Eco-Friendly Transportation

The future of transportation is electric, and for good reason. Electric cars offer numerous benefits, including lower emissions, reduced fuel costs, and increased efficiency. In this article, we’ll explore why electric cars are the future of eco-friendly transportation, with a focus on the BMW I4, and how car leasing can help you make the switch.

Electric cars are the future of eco-friendly transportation

Lower Emissions and Reduced Carbon Footprint

One of the biggest benefits of electric cars is that they produce zero emissions. Unlike traditional gasoline-powered cars, electric cars don’t emit harmful pollutants into the atmosphere, which is better for the environment and human health. In addition, electric cars have a lower carbon footprint than traditional cars because they require less energy to operate.

The BMW I4 is a prime example of an eco-friendly electric car. It has zero emissions and uses a combination of battery power and regenerative braking to maximize energy efficiency. In addition, the BMW I4 has a range of up to 300 miles on a single charge, making it a practical choice for everyday use.

Lower Fuel Costs and Increased Efficiency

Another advantage of electric vehicles is that they have lower fuel costs than traditional cars. Electricity is generally cheaper than gasoline, which means that electric car owners can save money on fuel costs in the long run. In addition, electric cars are more energy-efficient than traditional cars, which means that they require less energy to operate.

The BMW I4 is a prime example of an energy-efficient electric car. It has a high-performance battery that can be charged to 80% in just 35 minutes using a DC fast charger. In addition, the BMW I4 has a top speed of 120 mph and can go from 0 to 60 mph in just 4 seconds, making it a high-performance electric car that’s both efficient and practical.

Car Leasing and Electric Cars

Car leasing is a great way to make the switch to an electric car. Leasing allows you to drive a new car for a fixed period of time, usually 2-3 years, without the commitment of ownership. This means that you can enjoy the benefits of driving an electric car without having to make a long-term commitment.

Leasing an electric car like the BMW I4 is also more affordable than buying one outright. Since electric cars are relatively new to the market, they can be more expensive than traditional cars. However, leasing an electric car allows you to enjoy the benefits of driving one without the high upfront costs.

In addition, car leasing allows you to stay up-to-date with the latest technology. Electric cars are evolving rapidly, and new models are being introduced all the time. Leasing allows you to drive the latest models without having to worry about the long-term commitment of ownership.

advantages of electric cars

Zero Emissions, Zero Guilt

Electric cars are the future of eco-friendly transportation. They offer numerous benefits, including lower emissions, reduced fuel costs, and increased efficiency. The BMW I4 is a prime example of an electric car that’s both practical and efficient, with a range of up to 300 miles on a single charge and a high-performance battery that can be charged to 80% in just 35 minutes.

Car leasing is a great way to make the switch to an electric car. It allows you to enjoy the benefits of driving an electric car without the high upfront costs of ownership. In addition, leasing allows you to stay up-to-date with the latest technology and enjoy the benefits of driving a new car every few years.

So, why not make the switch to an electric car today? With zero emissions and zero guilt, you can enjoy the benefits of eco-friendly transportation and do your part to protect the planet.

Green Hosting Solutions For Bitcoin Mining

The popularity of Bitcoin mining has surged in recent years as more individuals see it as a lucrative opportunity to make money with cryptocurrencies. However, the conventional method of Bitcoin mining is detrimental to the environment as it contributes to the emission of greenhouse gases, which exacerbates the issue of global warming. As an expert in the field of cryptocurrency, I understand the importance of seeking sustainable options for bitcoin mining server hosting to minimize its environmental impact.

green hosting solutions for bitcoin mining

This article will delve into the necessity for eco-friendly hosting solutions for Bitcoin mining and enumerate the advantages and various types of sustainable hosting alternatives that are currently available. The adoption of green hosting solutions will enable us to promote a more environmentally conscious approach to Bitcoin mining, while still capitalizing on the benefits of this emerging technology.

Traditional Bitcoin Mining and Its Environmental Impact

The procedure of Bitcoin mining entails the validation and inclusion of transactions in the blockchain ledger by resolving intricate mathematical equations. The conventional method of Bitcoin mining is notorious for its high energy consumption, which has a considerable impact on the environment. It is estimated that Bitcoin mining consumes energy equivalent to that of a small nation, and the environmental impact of conventional mining practices is significant.

The conventional approach to Bitcoin mining is heavily reliant on non-renewable sources of energy, primarily fossil fuels, which emit greenhouse gases and contribute to the issue of global warming. Therefore, it is imperative to find sustainable and environmentally friendly hosting solutions for Bitcoin mining servers to mitigate the impact of this process on the environment.

Green Hosting Solutions for Bitcoin Mining

As the world becomes more aware of the environmental impact of traditional bitcoin mining practices, the demand for eco-friendly hosting solutions for bitcoin mining servers is growing. Green hosting services aim to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable practices by using renewable energy sources.

Green hosting solutions for bitcoin mining offer numerous benefits, including lower energy costs, improved efficiency, and a smaller carbon footprint. These solutions include renewable energy-powered servers, low carbon footprint hosting providers, and carbon offsetting hosting services.

Renewable energy-powered servers use clean energy sources like solar or wind power to operate their servers. Low carbon footprint hosting providers prioritize energy-efficient hardware and strive to minimize carbon emissions. Carbon offsetting hosting services focus on offsetting the carbon emissions associated with bitcoin mining through activities like planting trees or investing in renewable energy projects.

Adopting sustainable hosting solutions can significantly reduce the environmental impact of bitcoin mining, and it’s a step towards creating a more sustainable future.

crypto mining in Armenia

Case Studies: Green Hosting Solutions for Bitcoin Mining

Numerous companies have realized the significance of eco-friendly and sustainable hosting solutions for bitcoin mining servers and have started providing green hosting options.

One such company is Minery.io, which uses hydropower, a renewable energy source, to power its mining operations.

BitRiver, another company, provides colocation services powered by hydroelectricity and has plans to expand to other renewable energy sources.

Giga Watt offers carbon offsetting hosting services, which helps to counterbalance the carbon emissions associated with bitcoin mining by investing in renewable energy projects.

These companies have demonstrated the possibility of green hosting solutions for bitcoin mining and the favorable environmental impact that can be achieved. By adopting green hosting solutions, bitcoin miners can lower their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.

Future of Green Hosting Solutions for Bitcoin Mining

The call for sustainable and eco-friendly hosting solutions for bitcoin mining is on the rise, indicating that green hosting is poised to play a significant role in shaping the industry’s future. With an increasing number of individuals and companies recognizing the environmental impact of conventional bitcoin mining practices, the need for green hosting solutions is expected to grow.

How scientist use data in green energy

Innovations in renewable energy sources and energy-efficient hardware are making it increasingly feasible to power bitcoin mining servers using clean energy. The development of green hosting solutions for bitcoin mining is an exciting area of innovation, with numerous companies working to develop new, sustainable technologies.

Regulations can also promote the use of green hosting solutions for bitcoin mining by encouraging sustainable practices and setting standards for eco-friendly hosting services. The future of bitcoin mining and green hosting solutions is one that emphasizes progress and innovation, with a focus on sustainability and eco-friendliness.


In summary, it is increasingly clear that the environmental impact of traditional bitcoin mining practices necessitates the adoption of sustainable and eco-friendly hosting solutions for this industry. Green hosting solutions offer a range of benefits, including reduced energy costs, increased efficiency, and a smaller carbon footprint. Through the use of renewable energy sources and energy-efficient hardware, green hosting solutions can significantly reduce the environmental impact of bitcoin mining.

The future of sustainable mining practices is bright, with technological advancements and a growing demand for eco-friendly crypto solutions. It is crucial for bitcoin miners to prioritize sustainability and work towards minimizing their impact on the environment. By transitioning to green hosting solutions, we can create a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future for bitcoin mining.

Biomethane – The Green Gas

Biomethane, also known as the green gas, is a well-known and well-proven source of clean energy, and is witnessing increasing demand worldwide, especially in European countries, as it is one of the most cost-effective and eco-friendly replacement for natural gas and diesel.

Advantages of Biomethane

The key advantage of biomethane is that it is less corrosive than biogas which makes it more flexible in its application than raw biogas. It can be injected directly into the existing natural gas grid leading to energy-efficient and cost-effective transport, besides allowing natural gas grid operators to persuade consumers to make a smooth transition to a renewable source of natural gas.

Biogas can be upgraded to biomethane and injected into the natural gas grid to substitute natural gas or can be compressed and fuelled via a pumping station at the place of production. Biomethane can be injected and distributed through the natural gas grid, after it has been compressed to the pipeline pressure.

The injected biomethane can be used at any ratio with natural gas as vehicle fuel. In many EU countries, the access to the gas grid is guaranteed for all biogas suppliers.

A major advantage of using natural gas grid for biomethane distribution is that the grid connects the production site of biomethane, which is usually in rural areas, with more densely populated areas. This enables biogas to reach new customers.

Storage of Biomethane

Biomethane can be converted either into liquefied biomethane (LBM) or compressed biomethane (CBM) in order to facilitate its long-term storage and transportation. LBM can be transported relatively easily and can be dispensed through LNG vehicles or CNG vehicles. Liquid biomethane is transported in the same manner as LNG, that is, via insulated tanker trucks designed for transportation of cryogenic liquids.

Biomethane can be stored as CBM to save space. The gas is stored in steel cylinders such as those typically used for storage of other commercial gases.

Applications of Biomethane

Biomethane can be used to generate electricity and heating from within smaller decentralized, or large centrally-located combined heat and power plants. It can be used by heating systems with a highly efficient fuel value, and employed as a regenerative power source in gas-powered vehicles.

Biomethane, as a transportation fuel, is most suitable for vehicles having engines that are based on natural gas (CNG or LNG). Once biogas is cleaned and upgraded to biomethane, it is virtually the same as natural gas.

Because biomethane has a lower energy density than NG, due to the high CO2 content, in some circumstances, changes to natural gas-based vehicle’s fuel injection system are required to use the biomethane effectively.

The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Furnaces

Residential heating is essential to the comfort and even health of the occupants of a house during winter. The core of any heating system is the furnace, which in most homes is located somewhere outside the main house or in the basement. This is so as to keep it out of the way but also for safety purposes. Whether you are moving into a new place and have to install a new furnace or you just wish to overhaul your current one, there are considerations to make before you go to the shop.

Types of Furnaces

Broadly speaking, there are two available types of furnaces. There is the traditional furnace and the two stage furnace. The traditional furnace, also called the single stage furnace, is either full on or completely off. This is to say that when it is on, it operates at maximum heat output and there is no way to regulate that because there is no provision for medium heat.

The two stage furnace is an improvement of this. In one setting, it can run like the traditional furnace but in the other, it allows for a reduced heat output when the temperature is not very low. If puzzling over which furnace to buy between these two, consider the following advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Two-stage Furnace

A two stage furnace is considered quieter. This is because it runs at a functionality of 75-80 percent most of the time. Lower fan speed means less noise. It maintains a more constant temperature without dips and spikes. This kind of furnace also saves energy because it runs on the lower setting most of the time. Even with these advantages, it is said to have two key disadvantages:

  • High upfront costs – It was made to improve upon the traditional furnace. It is therefore comes as no surprise that it is more expensive than the traditional furnace.
  • It breaks down more often – Unlike a traditional furnace which goes off when the weather is moderate to warm, a two stage furnace keeps running at that low setting. Running almost constantly causes wear and tear and may lead to frequent breakdowns.

Advantages of Traditional Furnace

It may not be possible to regulate the level of heating with a traditional furnace. However, it is the go to furnace when working on a budget because it is cheaper. It also breaks down less often than the two stage furnace. Besides, modern single stage furnaces have been remodeled to make them energy efficient. This should go a long way to reduce heating costs.

Other factors to consider before purchasing a furnace are:

  • Type of fuel – If you have no gas connection or if it is interrupted often, you might want to go for an electric furnace instead of a gas furnace.
  • Prevailing weather – Consider where you live. If it is customary to have extremely cold winters, then the traditional furnace might be the best because you will have no need for the low heat setting.

The type of furnace you install should be determined by the heating needs of your household and those in it. Seek the help of a contractor so that they can advise on the appropriate type and even size of furnace.

Why You Should Be Investing in Solar Panels?

The future is green, and it’s more important to get on board with it than ever before. The past year has seen countless climate change related natural disasters, from the recent devastating mega-fires in California to frequent hurricanes sweeping the US and the Caribbean.

Solar panels are becoming much more accessible, for homeowners and for businesses. Traditional roof-rack solar panels can now be installed for as little as around $3,000, and are practically a no-brainer due to the energy savings you’ll make over time (you could even totally eliminate your electricity bill). Not to mention that you’ll be doing your part to help the environment in our planet’s time of need.


Solar panels are becoming more accessible, for homeowners and businesses

If you’ve always found chunky solar panels ugly and off-putting, business magnate Elon Musk has a solution. His electric car and solar panel company Tesla has recently unveiled invisible solar roof tiles. The tiles look exactly like normal roof slates, but capture the sun’s energy without drawing attention. These tiles are paving the way to normalizing sustainable, beautiful eco-homes.

To further convince you about seriously considering installing solar panels for your home, check out our list of top reasons why solar panels will benefit your household or business.

Slash Your Energy Bills

After the initial investment of purchasing the panels and installation, the energy produced is all yours. Even if you consume more energy than your panels can produce, you’ll make drastic savings on what you are currently paying by purchasing all your electricity from the grid.

You’ll make even more amazing savings if you live in a sunny state or country – prices in Brisbane, Australia, are particularly low to purchase and install solar panels. And as the city enjoys on average 261 days of sun per year, panels there will produce more than enough energy to power homes all year round.

Energy costs are only set to rise and rise – meaning that by investing in solar panels now, you’ll never feel the strain of your electricity bills going up again. This is an especially smart idea for business owners with fluctuating income, as you can more easily predict your cashflow with fixed energy prices.

Increase the Value of Your Home

If you are open to the possibility of moving to a new house in the future, you will be able to sell your current property at an increased value by equipping it with solar panels. It’s an attractive prospect for buyers if a potential home comes with very small or no electricity bills, so you’ll be making a huge return on your investment in this way, too.


Note: Be wary of ‘renting your roof’ to solar panel companies if you can’t afford to purchase the panels outright. You may want to ‘go green’ in any way you can, but buying panels is by far the most practical way to enjoy the benefits. The lengthy leases that come with rental panel contracts (often 25 years) have been seen to put off mortgage lenders.

It’s highly recommended that if you want to benefit from free electricity and help the environment with solar, you should save up first to increase the value of your property – not render it unsellable.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

As we said, it’s never been so important to do your bit to save our eco-system. The polar ice caps are melting faster than has ever been recorded, and the earth is suffering terrible effects. As well as hurricanes and fires, we’ve also experienced floods, earthquakes and landslides all over the world this year.

In the large scheme of things, installing solar panels doesn’t seem like it will help much, but if everyone did their part to be more eco-conscious, we could significantly reduce the strain of destructive fossil fuels on the environment. By equipping your property with solar panels, you will save money while making steps to saving the environment – a tough offer to turn down!

Utilizing green energy within your business has even better rewards. Marketing your business as eco-conscious and sustainable is a great way to attract customers and impress existing ones. In recent years, studies into consumer activity have found that sustainability is a big shopping priority, especially among the millennial generation. Corporate solar panels will increase your revenue by expanding your customer base AND saving your business’s energy bills.

So – what are you waiting for? Contact a solar energy company today, who will be more than happy to assist you on your green energy journey.

Recommended Reading: Marketing Strategy for Solar Companies

4 Eco Lifestyle Habits You Should Start Implementing

In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, Mother Nature is finally starting to breathe a little easier again. Indeed, it could be argued that this has been the major benefit of the coronavirus pandemic. The rules and regulations rolled out by political leaders in different countries might be tough, but these encouraged citizens from different parts of the world to change their ways and become more environmentally conscious.

But with lockdown restrictions now easing, it might prove tempting to lapse back into old, environmentally destructive ways. So, to help combat this, we’ve compiled a few simple lifestyle changes to ensure the planet continues to heal.

1. Go organic and shop local

You might have to pay a little more for the privilege, but by shopping and eating locally and organically, you’ll soon start to notice not only the taste difference but the positive difference in your overall health.

With the UK now considering lowering its standards when it comes to importing food, with the dreaded chlorinated chicken now on the table in trade deals with the US, keeping it fresh, organic, and local has never been more important.


The concept of safe food using organic waste generated compost is getting traction.

Aside from helping improve the environment, going organic and shopping local can also boost your local economy. By patronizing products and services from your locality, you are providing income to local workers and encouraging businesses to continue their operations. Going organic and shopping local is something everyone must do in order for their countries to easily recover from the effects of the pandemic.

2. Travel by train

We understand that travel by public transport hasn’t exactly been actively encouraged in recent months, but sooner or later, the world will return to some semblance of normality, and when that happens, train travel is comfortably one of the least damaging forms of transportation.

Of course, we would always recommend walking or cycling if at all possible, but we realise this won’t always be a realistic option. So, rather than firing up the car and spending a good hour wading through rush hour traffic every morning on your way to work, why not switch up your commute? This is particularly relevant in London, where trains from East Croydon to Norwood Junction are running constantly and provide faster and cleaner transport.


Travelling by train might be uncommon for some but making the change will surely be worth it in the long run. Travelling by train allows you to take care of the environment and save money. Moreover, train travel can be a great way to meet new people and appreciate the views in your locality.

3. Go paperless

It’s never been easier to lead a completely paperless life thanks to the digitization of most sectors and data. You’d be surprised how much paper is possible to get through if you’re not careful. The vast majority of services, however, now give you the option to go paperless as a good habit for the environment.

It’s often as simple as logging on to your bank accounts or your energy provider accounts and ticking a box. You can also help the cause a little further by ensuring you recycle all the paper and card you have already used and only printing off hard copies of documents when it’s 100% necessary.

It’s easy for anyone to start going paperless. If you usually receive your bills through physical mail, reach out to your service provider and have your bills emailed to you. You can also go paperless at work by encouraging your colleagues to send out emails for communication instead of printing documents regularly.

4. Avoid bottled water

Green living doesn’t always have to be difficult. Sometimes, it can even save you money! There is absolutely no legitimate reason to continue buying bottled water in this day and age. Plastic is a blight on our environment like no other and bottled water creates more plastic than almost any other product on earth.


A water filter is a cheap and elegant way to filter out any of the potential chemicals and contaminants that might make your tap water seem like a less attractive option. And think of all the money you’ll save, too! Oh, and while you’re at it, ditching plastic bags is something you should really be looking into, as currently, only around 3% of the world’s plastic bags are being recycled!

If you want to take it up a notch, carry a water tumbler inside reusable cotton bags, such as those from calico-bags.com.au. You should always bring reusable bags when you step out of your house because these will enable you to carry your purchases with ease and save money from buying plastics every time you buy something.


Incorporating eco-friendly habits to your life can be challenging at first, but if you want to preserve the environment and ensure that it continues to provide for your needs, you should be willing to make the change. Your efforts will surely go a long way to improve or maintain the condition of the environment!

The Three Biggest Financial Crises

While the pandemic has become the hardest test for all countries of the world, it is not the first major blow to the global economy. We have compiled a selection of the three largest financial crises that hit the global economy the hardest.

largest financial crisis of all times

1. The Credit Crisis of 1772

By the mid-1760s, the British Empire had amassed a huge fortune through its colonial possessions and trade. All this contributed to the rapid development of the country, pushing banks to more active lending.

Banking partners Neil, James, Fordyce & Down lost £300,000 on shares of the East India Company. On June 8, 1772, Fordyce fled to France, trying to hide from paying debts.

News of Fordyce’s escape quickly spread throughout England, causing panic among depositors, and the crisis quickly spread to other parts of Europe. Historians say the economic fallout from this crisis sparked the Boston Tea Party protest in 1773 and launched the American Revolution.

2. The Great Depression

The stock market crash in the USA in 1929 provoked one of the main financial and economic catastrophes of the twentieth century. The depression continued for nearly 10 years and resulted in massive losses of income, record unemployment, and a drop in manufacturing, especially in industrialized countries. In the United States, the unemployment rate reached nearly 24.9% at the peak of the depression in 1933.

Experts name overproduction and the lack of proper oversight of the actively developing exchange market among the reasons for the economic decline, since the purchasing power of the population did not match the number of goods on the market and there were too many fictitious companies and financial fraud present.

largest financial crisis

3. The Great Recession of 2007-2009

The largest financial crisis since the Great Depression was caused by the mortgage crisis in the United States and a sharp increase in the number of non-payments on mortgage loans with a high level of risk. It damaged the economies of countries around the world, led to the collapse of one of the leading investment banks, Lehman Brothers, and threatened many major financial institutions and businesses.

Even though the Great Recession officially ended in 2009, ordinary people have faced negative consequences for many years due to the slow recovery of the labor market and falling property prices. As a result, the crisis has left millions of people unemployed and caused billions of dollars in damage. Kailash Concepts, a quantamental investment research firm, mentioned in one of their articles how to invest during a recession. You might want to check it out. Who knows, there might be another recession that is going to happen.

How to Be Prepared for Major Financial Crises?

Generally speaking, even the richest person is not prepared for a sudden fall of the economy. Of course, having substantial savings does help yet doesn’t guarantee complete financial safety. The latest example is the COVID-19 outbreak that caused a lot of individuals and businesses to lose their main sources of income. If you have found yourself in a difficult financial situation, keep in mind that you can always turn to Payday Depot for prompt loans.

Green Home Improvements to Attract Homebuyers

People’s desire to make a smaller footprint on a vulnerable planet affects the real estate market worldwide. In part this is due to the Internet’s power to inform and inspire, and it is partly due to who is buying the most homes. Millennials have made up more than half of homebuyers over the last few years. And millennials, surveys have shown, are willing to pay more for sustainability and the greenest possible living.

They often opt for new construction with the highest eco-friendly standards, but not every buyer will purchase a new home. Some millennials are not ready to make that financial commitment, and some will not be buying in trending locations that have lots of new green construction. So to attract buyers to an existing home, green home improvements can be a big win. Not only will the homeowner be doing the right thing by the planet, but also homes can sell faster and for more.

Although making green changes to an existing home can be complicated and expensive, there are many levels of improvement that vary in cost and difficulty.

What Meets the Eye

Green home upgrades the buyer can see in an existing home make a difference. If you are upgrading, you can go more sustainable and energy-efficient in these areas:

  • Non-toxic paint: The volatile organic compounds (VOC) in some paint can damage air quality and lungs. Choose a low-VOC paint to get that fresh, neutral look buyers want.
  • Sustainable flooring: Replace worn-out floors with highly renewable bamboo, with responsibly grown and harvested hardwoods, or with natural linoleum products.
  • A cool roof: Renovate the roof with light-colored materials that reflect heat.
  • Energy-efficient appliances: Update the kitchen with appliances, and even faucets, that run on less energy and/or use less water.
  • Native plants: Refresh the landscape with plants native to the environment, that will need less specialty care products and that will support local ecology.


Green changes that make a home energy-efficient will attract buyers and also give sellers the ROI of an eco-friendly home. Because they save money, these improvements also make money and bring return on investment.

  • Update to a Smart Thermostat: A programmable thermostat ensures heating and cooling meet your needs without waste.
  • New windows: The U.S. Department of Energy reports that 25-30% of energy costs literally get sucked right out of old windows, where leaks in both directions waste resources and money. New windows also beautify a home.
  • Weather protection: If new windows are not an option, caulking and weather-stripping are also efficient.
  • Tankless water heater: Upgrade an old water heater that needs to go anyway with a tankless one, that heats water as needed. Why waste energy heating gallons of water all the time?
  • Recycled water: Systems for catching rainwater, or holding water from sinks and tubs (greywater) can save waste and money. This water can flush toilets and water gardens, among other uses.
  • Renewable energy sources: Depending on the climate, solar panels and/or wind turbines can provide energy in place of using other, non-renewing resources.

Before making eco-friendly home improvements, research is the seller’s best tool. Understand the options, costs, and benefits. An experienced real estate agent can advise on what green home improvements are most wanted and bring the best ROI in the local market. Also make sure the home is appraised by someone experienced with green features, to make sure their real value is represented in the appraisal.

Useful Resource: Benefits of Energy Quoting Software

5 Actionable Tips to Use More Renewable Energy

The world doesn’t seem to stop when it comes to consuming energy. As each country experience growth and development as a society, their needs for power increases to keep up with the pace of their expansion. The process is a natural one.  It’s even socially encouraged, but that doesn’t change the fact that it takes a toll on our planet. More of the world resources are exploited and processed to become fuel.

While denied by many of these industries for a long time, the ugly side of energy consumption has been exposed for the whole world to see. It has increased the awareness about the need to embrace alternative energy and waste solutions that are renewable and cleaner to avoid contamination and slow down the degradation of our many natural ecosystems.

how to use more renewable energy

Many of the initiatives to use clean energies are embraced in multiple countries. Some of them are backed by governments and private industries looking to preserve our planet and fix some of the damage caused by our constant demands of resources. Many people believe that individual efforts don’t count. The fact is that every single bit of help they can get adds up a lot. If you are a student looking to make a difference in this world, check out green MBA programs.

Here are 5 actionable tips you can follow to make proper use of renewable energy on your premises:

1. Embrace Solar-Powered Technologies

If you haven’t realized it yet the sun is the most powerful energy source in the world and no one can charge to use it. This is why many developers focused on creating technology that makes the best use of the power delivered by the light and radiation offered by the main star in our solar system.

Nowadays, you can get solar-powered vehicles, and solar panels to distribute energy at your home. Such solar technologies can be a bit expensive but is durable as nothing else in the market, plus it is a one-time investment at best!

2. Crowdfund Clean Energy Projects

Many communities are willing to go green and use green energy sources when they are presented the right project. Most of the times the neighbors’ just need to see a well-laid plan explaining why using renewable energy sources will be more affordable for them in the long run.

A solar-powered community project in Laos

The environmental angle can also be helpful, especially for those homeowners that live close to natural reservoirs and wish to keep the value of their properties by safekeeping the environment.

3. Support the Society of Concerned Scientist

This is an amazing initiative to get businesses and the world to become more educated and use more renewable energy.  I am not affiliated with the society at all, but it may be one of the most actionable ways to help the environment because they have built up a lot of support and assets.

Check out what they are doing here.

4. Use Water-processing Technology

Many households and modern housing projects can make use of this technology to recycle the water sources they use and avoid the unnecessary waste of such vital liquid.

The basic principles of this initiative require investment in processing plants and large tanks that can either be installed on the foundations of your home or at the side of it. Your house will always have clean running water, and you won’t take much from the natural sources near your place.

5. Wind Power for Home or Business

Many locations around the world are using wind-powered turbines to generate electricity, and it has become a business opportunity for many entrepreneurs around the world. The plants are easy to install, and the energy is very cheap to produce.

Wind-powered energy has generated an excess of power in certain locations such as China, Germany, Australia and some regions on the USA with these plants selling they’re overproduced to regular energy plants. The power provided by these alternatives is cleaner than most and very easy on a family budget.

8 Eco-Friendly Solutions For Your Home Remodeling

Environmental awareness is spreading around the globe, and that is good. The more we know about what we can do to save the planet, the more we actually do. And, fortunately, it doesn’t take much – you can simply bring your reusable coffee cup to work, buy green vehicles, or use environmentally friendly solutions for your next home remodel.

If you want to know what they are, you should keep reading – we have prepared this article especially for you. Here, you will learn to buy reclaimed items, donate stuff you don’t use, re-face items instead of replacing them, insulate, use low or no VOC paints, and some more. Read on and make sure that you can make informed decisions when opting for eco-friendly home remodeling.

ecofriendly home remodeling

1. Buy Reclaimed Materials

This is probably the easiest thing you can do to help the environment while doing eco friendly home improvement. Reclaiming is the process of recycling materials that people would usually throw away. You might be surprised to learn that quite a large percentage of the things we discard can actually be recycled.

Reclaimed materials include products that have been used before, like bricks, wood, clay, concrete, stone, glass, etc. These items are usually in good condition, so you won’t need to spend a lot of time and money on restoring them. Moreover, buying reclaimed stuff is an investment in the future because you are contributing to saving the environment.

On the other hand, you can also reclaim and salvage some materials yourself. For example, if you are looking for a garage door repair in Tulsa or consider replacing it completely, do not rush to throw your old garage door away. Instead, you can think about repurposing it to use it for longer – like creating a DIY bench for your patio. Or, you can look for local charities nearby and donate the materials to them.

Many other items can also be reclaimed. Don’t forget about your cabinets, countertops, and flooring. These things can be donated to local charities as well or used in other homes where they are needed. It is also good to know that salvaging and reclaiming do not just benefit the environment but also save money for homeowners.

skip bins

2. Donate Stuff You Don’t Need

Another thing that you can do for the environment when remodeling is donating things that you don’t use anymore. This is an excellent way to put them into good use while making a difference at the same time. Donating items means that they will not end up in a landfill, meaning less pollution and reduced landfill bills for taxpayers.

If you donate something, you should make sure that it is in good condition so that someone else can actually use it. That is why many people tend to re-gift items instead of donating them. If you’re uncertain whether an item is good enough to be donated, think about how many times you have used it in the past few months and whether it still has a few more years left in it. If not, ask yourself whether someone else might be able to use it.


3. Re-Face Old Furniture

Do you want to replace your old furniture items, but you don’t have the budget for that? Consider re-facing them instead of replacing them. You will need to sand off the finish and then apply several layers of paint. Make sure that you use paint with low VOCs. It is essential to protect indoor air quality, so it is crucial to choose paints that do not emit toxic substances.

Re-facing furniture is a great way to save money and help the environment at the same time. It is incredibly easy and inexpensive, and the results can be amazing. Re-facing is often much cheaper than replacement because you don’t have to buy all the materials and hire a professional worker for installation – you just get some paint or other material and do it yourself! If you want your home to look great without breaking the bank, this is something you should consider.

4. Insulate Your Home Wall

Do you want to save energy? You can do it by insulating your home wall. In fact, insulation is one of the most effective ways to cut down your heating and cooling bills throughout the year and reduce energy use in general. Proper insulation will also help prevent condensation and mold, so it is definitely worth investing in this process.

If you want to get a proper insulation job done, you should hire a professional team of contractors that will install insulation in your attic as well as in your walls. This is a large job that requires pro attention, so make sure that you find a great team of specialists who will ensure quality work that will result in lower heating bills and lower energy consumption in general.


Before hiring insulation contractors, make sure that they use high-quality construction materials and are familiar with local building codes (if applicable). If you are not sure whether you need insulation or how much of it you should have, contact an experienced contractor who will inspect your house to determine what kind of insulation suits it best and whether insulating will be worth it in the long run.

5. Use Low or No VOC Paints

VOC stands for volatile organic compounds. They are found in paints, and most of them are toxic to people and animals. That is why it is crucial to check paints before using them – imagine how many toxins people inhale when painting their home walls.

ecofriendly home remodeling

Luckily, there are paints with low or no VOCs, so you should go for them. These products do not harm the environment, and you can be safe using them during your next home remodel. If you want to know whether a particular paint has low or high VOCs, ask for a VOC emission rate from the seller. Many stores are obliged to tell you how many VOCs you will inhale during the painting process.

6. Don’t Use Conventional Paints

Conventional paints are loaded with solvents that can irritate your skin and eyes. They can also cause respiratory problems, so you shouldn’t use them when painting your home walls or furniture pieces. The good news is that there are many eco-friendly paints out there that are non-toxic and environmentally friendly. These paints will not pose any danger to your health or the health of your family members – they are safe to use anywhere in your home.

7. Use Green Power

If you are going to use electricity, it is important to use green power – renewable energy. That means that you should consider investing in solar energy panels or wind turbines. It might be a bit pricey to buy these items, but it is definitely worth it. By using green power, you contribute to a greener future – which is our only hope if we want to have a planet to live on.


8. Use Low-Maintenance Materials

You can save money and protect the environment at the same time by choosing low-maintenance materials for your green home renovation. For instance, you can choose stone or brick as exterior surfaces – these materials are durable and will not have to be repainted or stained more often than once every 5-10 years. And because they don’t need much maintenance, they won’t emit VOCs into the air.

The key to environmentally friendly home remodeling is to stay away from toxic paints, materials, and products. By using low or no VOC paints, reclaimed wood, and other recycled items, you will not only save money, but you will also contribute to a better planet for your children and grandchildren.


When renovating your home, you can do it in an eco-friendly way. In fact, you will be doing something good for the environment when buying reclaimed materials, using low VOC paints, insulating your home well, and many other things.

You should definitely think about these eco-friendly home features the next time you are planning a new home improvement project. You will be able to save money and help the planet – which is a great thing!