4 Solar Energy Trends in the Philippines

The solar energy market in the Philippines has been growing exponentially since 2018. In fact, the Philippines Board of Investments (BOI) had approved eight solar projects that year. The Solar Philippines Commercial Rooftop Projects Inc. oversaw all eight that were equivalent to $1.65 billion.

Even though, as of today, the solar power industry is still on the nascent stage, it is expected to gain massive support from the government moving forward.


Solar panels are becoming more accessible, for homeowners and businesses

The Philippines has hot and humid weather, which means households always require air conditioning. Thanks to the introduction of solar air conditioning, many homeowners can reduce their utility bills.

Some of the factors that will drive growth in the solar energy sector are the growing population, as well as the Philippines’ rapid economic development. When the Philippines succeeds in replacing diesel generators in most islands with solar energy, there will be a significant reduction in power outages.

Solar energy and other renewable energy sources will guarantee grid stability throughout the Philippines. Here are the four main trends in solar energy in the Philippines.

1. Accessibility for Private Households

A couple of years back, utility-scale solar was difficult to achieve due to the market’s regulatory changes. The price competition was too high, and only the largest capitalized developers could compete.

However, this is set to change because the new generation of renewable energy can now be distributed to private households. This ensures that each household can install a solar-powered air conditioner to reduce utility costs.

It is a huge win for homeowners and business people because they can now have more control over their energy consumption. Photovoltaic panels can be installed on the roofs of homes, apartment buildings, as well as business establishments.

This means that business owners can generate as much energy as they desire and even sell residual to energy supplies near them.

2. Significant Growth of Solar PV

The production cost of solar energy is expected to fall significantly between 2020 and 2025. As a result, solar will take first place for the cheapest source of energy in the Philippines.

The growth of photovoltaic systems in the Philippines will provide an immediate and more permanent solution to the country’s energy needs. The market is already registering a significant fall in the costs of photovoltaic cells.

Many households are jumping on this bandwagon and taking advantage of the affordability of solar power equipment. As a household in the Philippines, you greatly benefit from purchasing a solar air conditioner.

Residents are also adopting small-scale solar photovoltaic systems because the declined cost of PV technology makes financial sense.

3. Increased Grid Parity

The Philippines has a huge population, and without alternative sources of energy, the grid easily gets unstable. However, due to the introduction of renewable sources of energy like solar and wind, we can see a future where grid parity is guaranteed. Wind Tower has been a popular source of energy.

Since more private households can now depend on solar energy for their electricity needs, grid parity has steadily increased. Most households today use solar air conditioner to maintain a comfortable indoor environment. This is a highly cost-effective solution because solar energy is steadily getting cheaper than traditional energy sources.


Not to mention that the overall cost of electricity from the grid is decreasing as well. This can be attributed to the contribution of solar PV. Technological advancements are ensuring manufacturers can produce solar panels with higher solar PV module efficiency.

This means that you can install a solar hybrid air conditioner at home without worrying about the running cost.

4. Storage

There are plans underway to develop solar-storage microgrids in the Philippines. When this plan succeeds, solar energy will play a huge role in improving environmental health, human health, as well as people’s quality of life.

This will be a huge step towards achieving Philippine’s national climate change, greenhouse gas emissions reduction and renewable energy goals. Solar energy production allows the Philippines to reduce its reliance on fuel. The transition to low-carbon energy sources like wind and solar opens up economic development opportunities from a climate perspective.

It is essential to pair solar systems with solar-storage because this boosts the positive impact solar energy has on the economy.

During spring and summer months, the Philippines experiences great solar generation. However, without a storage solution for solar energy, this energy cannot be saved for later. Storage prices are still very high, not only in Asia as a whole but the world over. There are already hybrid solar storage projects in place, but they’re nothing close to bulk solar storage.

One thing is certain though, the prices keep coming down, and more and more solar farms are springing up. Soon enough, the Philippines will be in a position to store solar energy and eliminate over-reliance on fuels.


Harnessing solar energy has ensured that many households in the Philippines can make it through hot and humid days. Solar air conditioners allow homeowners to achieve a comfortable indoor environment without digging too deep into their pockets. These latest trends show that things are only getting better. We can see a future where solar energy is the main source of electricity in the Philippines.

Where To Start On Making Your Home More Self-Sustaining

Nowadays, many people are trying their best to be eco-friendly, energy saving, environmentally conscientious, and trying to lean towards a healthier lifestyle. There are many ways now to become more self-sufficient and giving the environment a break. By being self-sufficient, you’re decreasing your dependence on the environment, but using the earth’s natural resources to create your own sustainability. Being self-sufficient was originally how humankind lived for centuries, now we depend negatively on the earth’s resources, causing an imbalance and a negative impact on the earth.

“Self-sufficiency at home needn’t be expensive but does require constant changes in one’s habits which, whilst difficult to do initially, can ultimately be worthwhile,” comments James Durr of homebuying company in England Property Solvers.

Whether you start small by recycling or going zero waste, some people has even attempted to create completely self-sufficient homes. Below you can find out how to start making your home more self-sustaining.

What is a self-sustaining home?

Creating a self-sufficient home doesn’t mean you need to live off the grid completely, but it means creating a home that supplies its own energy, water, food and sewage. They’re considered completely autonomous and named the ultimate green living dwellings. You can either build your own self-sustaining home, or make a few changes around your existing home; anything is doable.

Benefits of a self-sufficient home

Needless to say, establishing a self-sufficient home means you reduce your carbon footprint and energy consumption that have a negative impact on the environment. You’re also living a much more financially independent and bill-free lifestyle as you’re making your own resources.

Being self-sufficient also develops and sharpens your skills, something that you can pass on to your children by allowing them to be more independent and practical.

Creating a self-sufficient home

In order to make improvements around your home to become more self-sufficient, you need to start with the simplest tasks and make your way towards the most difficult ones as you get the hang of it. Below are some ways you can start establishing a self-sufficient home:

1. Alternative energy

Save a ton of energy consumption by using alternative energy methods. Switching to renewable energy like solar power may seem a little costly at first, but it’s extremely beneficial in the long run. Since you’re creating your own energy, it will save you a lot of money by not having to pay for electricity.

You can start by installing solar panels called Photovoltaic (PV) on the roof, but make sure it’s in an area that gets undisrupted sunlight all year long. PV uses devices that generate electricity from saving up direct sunlight all day. You can also check the many other ways you can use solar energy through Beupp.com as they provide comprehensive information on alternative energy solutions.


2. Heating systems

Alternative heating options can be done through solar energy as well. Solar heating is capable of heating your water and saving energy. Water heating systems are achieved with a solar collector, insulated piping and a hot water storage tank.

A self-sufficient home is one that provides itself with its own heat, and so you can allow your home to create heat by doing it traditionally. Install a wood burning stove as it’s an excellent way to save energy and provide warmth.

3. Lighting

Even though you’re already getting your electricity from renewable energy like solar energy, but the use of passive lighting is another way to be self-sufficient throughout the day. You can remodel your window arrangement to design high windows and skylights to get as much sunlight throughout the day as you can. At night, use LED light bulbs that last longer, require less energy as well as not overheat your home.

4. Growing your own food

One of the major achievements of being self-sufficient is by growing your own organic food. Consider turning your backyard into a small greenhouse for food production or create a vegetable patch. Start small, choose your favorite herbs, fruits and vegetables and start gardening! If your home can allow it, consider having a small chicken coop for meat and egg supply as well as a cow or goat for dairy products.


5. Water management

Although it might seem difficult to secure an independent water supply, it’s still doable. Ideally, if you’re in a remote location, digging up a well will be highly beneficial. If not, you can go the renewable way and collect rainwater to be used for many things.

Install a rainwater collecting system that leads to a filtration system to be able to drink this water, shower or use for laundry. Once this water is used once, it’s still reusable once more and that is called ‘grey water.’ Greywater is filtered once again and can be used to water your vegetable patch.

Plan for the future

Creating a self-sustaining home not only gives you the necessary skills to become practical and independent but it benefits the environment greatly. It may seem like a lot of work at first, but the rewards are more worthy. Establishing a green life will preserve the environment for future generations to come.

Simple Home Renovations That Can Improve Energy Efficiency

There is almost nothing more satisfying than a clean, fresh, and sustainable home. You may think that renovating your home is a hassle, not to mention expensive, but there are plenty of small changes that can make a home really feel like it’s yours. Something as simple as a new garage door, or a small solar panel can bring personality and life to your home while saving energy and giving you a boost of pride for your house.

1. Doors and Windows

When thinking about renovating your house, you probably think, new basement, new roofing, and much more expensive and time consuming projects. But do not write off home improvement just yet! There are plenty of small changes that can make a huge difference to the style of your home and even boost its overall value.

Doors and windows play a huge part in energy efficiency as air enters and escapes your home. This makes these options a great place to start as they add a personal flair to your home’s look as well as being environmentally friendly. Below is a short list of these green home renovations that can improve energy efficiency:


Garage Doors

When thinking about the outdoor curb appeal of your home, an often overlooked detail is the garage. This may seem silly but just think about how much visual space your garage door or doors take up.

A new or refurbished garage door can not only up the style and personality of your home, but can make your home more energy efficient and secure. And with companies like CSSGarageDoors there are so many styles to choose from.

Front Door

A unique front door also helps your house stand out and adds your own personal touch to your home. Keep in mind the style of your garage doors and make sure your other doors do not clash. Replacing old front doors can also save you money and energy, as air often escapes from unseen cracks in old doors and windows.

There are hundreds of style choices to choose from, and many energy efficient sustainable options too. Not only will this give your home an instant personality boost, it will raise the value of your home significantly.


While this one may be a little more on the pricey side of renovations, it is yet another example of boosting your homes personality, value, and energy efficiency. Not only can you choose from styles of windows, you can choose how you want the glass and frames to make them custom just for you and your home.

New windows will save you money on heating and air and some even keep out the noises of busy streets or noisy neighbors. Depending on the climate and place you live, these replacements could be a life saver. Lowes has an excellent selection of beautiful window and door replacements.

2. Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

While improving the overall look of your home can give you a sense of personal pride in your home, less visible but sustainable options can give you comfort and help the planet. If you want to live more sustainably but do not have the funds to build a whole new eco-friendly home, there are small changes that can boost your home’s energy efficiency and sustainability. Below is a short list of options to improve your home from the inside out.

Tankless Water Heaters

Water heaters are probably something you do not often think about when going on home energy efficiency upgrades. However, that tank that sits in your garage or basement is constantly using energy. Even when you are not using your hot water, the tank is busy working away using energy and costing you money. Switching to a tankless or on-demand water heater means that it will only be using energy when you need it.

Solar Panels

Solar panels are becoming better and better, and adding one to your homes exterior no longer seems like a dream. While there is a lot to consider before installing solar panels, they can be an amazing way to reduce energy and a great investment.


Although solar panels can last for up to 30 years, you do not need to be afraid of wasting money when you move as they can increase the value of your home significantly. You can also get a sizeable tax return for installing solar panels, so it is a great option to look at for sustainable living.

Tips to Make Your Bathroom More Energy-Efficient

The recent intense and repeated heat-waves suggest that we stop taking our environment for granted. In fact, it is now high time for us to ‘man up’ and pay attention to our environmental responsibilities so that our planet can regain its much-needed equilibrium. Today we live in an otherwise environmentally conscious era. So it is imperative that we all pay due attention to our overall energy usage.

There is sound reasoning behind this strategy. In fact, essentially lowering our overall use of energy means that we can reduce our ‘environmental footprint,’ that is, the overall impact of our energy usage on not just the environment alone, but also lessen the burden on our wallets as well, great deals on https://www.bellabathrooms.co.uk/

It is pertinent to note that the bathroom is one of the single most wasteful places in the house, in terms of prolonged energy usage.

When you take those long, warm sand luxuries showers, Flush the commode all too frequently or have plenty of dripping faucets, then all of these activities conspire and contribute towards putting a substantial dent in your wallet in the form of hefty bills, that just keep racking up at the far end of the month.

Now, the question arises how precisely, can we go about substantially reducing this almost inevitable use of such energy?

Making a few small changes is not very difficult but doing so can help you save a ton in terms of energy-related bills. Here is how:

Changing the shower head as well as sink mixer

Changing to a high-efficiency showerhead and sink mixer and faucet combo can effectively slice your shower and shave water consumption by half. As a matter of fact, newer models of faucets and showerheads can now easily provide the same sense of luxurious ‘feel’ of various other models while simultaneously using considerably less energy, in the bargain.

With the help of these models, you will not only be able to enjoy the same showers you had before but will be able to tell the difference only and only when you get your water bill at the end of the month!

Saving electricity with energy savers and solar panels

Many, if not most people are completely unaware of the fact that those extra bright lights above their sinks are actually power guzzlers, in every sense of the term. This is why it would be prudent to figure out if there are actually energy efficient light bulbs in your bathroom, or not.

The thing is that most people use at least 4 to 5 light bulbs in their bathrooms to make the place nice and bright. However, not using energy savers can be a huge waste of energy. This wastage can efficiently be curbed with energy efficient bulbs as well. It will be well worth it, since it is possible to curb energy usage by as much as 80% when using energy savers, in lieu of ordinary bulbs as such. If you want to go further into the picture, then you can also opt for solar panels to run your bathroom lights.

Curtail these really bad energies wasting habits

From using a hair dryer to an electric razor and trimmer combo, the odds are that the average house owner probably uses a lot of electrical appliances in the washroom on a more or less daily basis. If such is the case with you as well, then you should always unplug every device once you are done using it to see the huge amount of energy savings on the next monthly bill that you receive.

A rule of thumb: Even if the appliance has been powered off, it will nevertheless still continue to consume minute amounts of energy. This is why it is standard best practice to unplug the devices from the mains outlets to ensure that there is no additional drain on your power resources.

Always turn the faucet off whenever you can

One of the most harmful things you can do while being in the washroom is to keep the water running at full blast while you wash your hands and face or brush your teeth. The prudent thing to do is to turn off the water tap when you do not need all that water. Remember, should you leave the water running even as you brush your teeth, then you will almost certainly end up using between an estimated 4 to 5 gallons of water, every time you do so.

Now, just imagine that you repeat this behavior at least three times a day each and every time, you either wash your hand and face or brush your teeth. That is an estimated 12 to 15 gallons of precious water wasted just because you leave the faucet open.

Being environmentally responsible means being completely conscious of all of your bathroom related energy usage, so that you know when you should turn off the tap and save your water supply (and decrease your water bills as well, in the bargain).

Get into the shower when you open the faucet

If you are guilty of opening the shower and letting the water flow while you prepare breakfast or try to find your socks, when going for work, then this is something that you should really take care of, post haste. Apart from that, you can also get a smart meter installed so as to keep track of your energy usage.


In the light of the above, we can safely conclude that taking care of these small issues can lead to great benefits not just for the environment, but also decrease your power bill burden as well. So whether you are renovating your home or moving to a new house, these ideas can help you make your bathrooms more energy efficient.

ROI of Commercial Solar Panels for Business Owners

The way business owners think about solar panels has changed. Less than ten years ago, businesses were concerned about whether solar power would provide them with the energy they need. Now, that question is almost never asked, because it’s been answered. Two of the biggest companies in the world, Google and Walmart, have installed dozens of solar plants at their headquarters. Solar energy has been shown to work well for big business. Now florida llc want to know how solar panels can provide them with a strong ROI.

It’s said money doesn’t grow on trees, but in the case of solar panels, it does fall from the sky.


Commercial Solar Panels Decrease Energy Costs

Solar panels cut down on the amount of energy you pay for, because all day every day, you’re producing your own.

There is a common misconception that solar panels only work when the sun is blaring but this isn’t the case. Even on an average day in the depths of a British Winter, solar panels produce enough energy.

When you generate your own solar power, you only have to switch to the National Grid at night. With most small businesses using less power at night, this can offer huge savings.

More than that, small business owners protect themselves from losses due to energy price increases. As the cost of using the National Grid rises, solar panels save a small business owner more and more money.

Generate a Passive Income

Feed-in-tariffs (FIT) offer a big ROI for business owners who want to install solar panels. FIT is a government scheme which intends to encourage people to adopt low-carbon and renewable energy technologies, by paying them to do so.

Under FIT, every unit of energy your solar PV system generates is paid for whether you use that energy or not, and you’re paid for any energy your system produces that goes back into the national grid.

This allows small business owners to generate a passive income for twenty years, guaranteed by the UK government. As if it couldn’t get any better, all the money earned under FIT is completely tax free.

The Cost of Installation Has Decreased

Many small business owners were reluctant to switch to solar panels because of the high initial outlay. Since the launch of the FIT scheme, the cost of installation has decreased dramatically, which means business owners will see their solar panels generate returns faster now than at any other point.

There are plenty of subsidies available to those who are looking to install commercial solar panels, because the government wants renewable energy to work for individuals and businesses. This also means the return on investment for solar panel technologies is at a high.

Helping the Environment Helps Your Business

If businesses are looking for sustainable and long-term growth, thinking conscientiously about the environment is crucial. With global temperatures rising, the rising costs of food and energy are going to have a massive impact on how consumers spend their money.

Solar panels have low maintenance cost

Switching to sustainable energy now has a positive impact on the ecosystem, which protects the pockets of consumers of your products for years to come. Decreased outgoings for energy means greater savings, and a show of environmental care can increase your prestige in a crowded market.

The Return on Investment

The safest commercial solar panels for investment cost very little to maintain once they’re installed, and can last up to thirty years. The estimated savings for residential properties over a twenty-year period is around £9,000, and for commercial properties that figure extends even higher; a small business can look to save £16,000.

No planning permission is required for businesses to install solar panels, saving you time which can save you money. Low installation costs, a decrease in energy outgoings and the generation of a passive income means the ROI of solar panels is higher now than at any other point. Solar energy works wonders for your business and the planet.

Why You Should Be Investing in Solar Panels?

The future is green, and it’s more important to get on board with it than ever before. The past year has seen countless climate change related natural disasters, from the recent devastating mega-fires in California to frequent hurricanes sweeping the US and the Caribbean.

Solar panels are becoming much more accessible, for homeowners and for businesses. Traditional roof-rack solar panels can now be installed for as little as around $3,000, and are practically a no-brainer due to the energy savings you’ll make over time (you could even totally eliminate your electricity bill). Not to mention that you’ll be doing your part to help the environment in our planet’s time of need.


Solar panels are becoming more accessible, for homeowners and businesses

If you’ve always found chunky solar panels ugly and off-putting, business magnate Elon Musk has a solution. His electric car and solar panel company Tesla has recently unveiled invisible solar roof tiles. The tiles look exactly like normal roof slates, but capture the sun’s energy without drawing attention. These tiles are paving the way to normalizing sustainable, beautiful eco-homes.

To further convince you about seriously considering installing solar panels for your home, check out our list of top reasons why solar panels will benefit your household or business.

Slash Your Energy Bills

After the initial investment of purchasing the panels and installation, the energy produced is all yours. Even if you consume more energy than your panels can produce, you’ll make drastic savings on what you are currently paying by purchasing all your electricity from the grid.

You’ll make even more amazing savings if you live in a sunny state or country – prices in Brisbane, Australia, are particularly low to purchase and install solar panels. And as the city enjoys on average 261 days of sun per year, panels there will produce more than enough energy to power homes all year round.

Energy costs are only set to rise and rise – meaning that by investing in solar panels now, you’ll never feel the strain of your electricity bills going up again. This is an especially smart idea for business owners with fluctuating income, as you can more easily predict your cashflow with fixed energy prices.

Increase the Value of Your Home

If you are open to the possibility of moving to a new house in the future, you will be able to sell your current property at an increased value by equipping it with solar panels. It’s an attractive prospect for buyers if a potential home comes with very small or no electricity bills, so you’ll be making a huge return on your investment in this way, too.


Note: Be wary of ‘renting your roof’ to solar panel companies if you can’t afford to purchase the panels outright. You may want to ‘go green’ in any way you can, but buying panels is by far the most practical way to enjoy the benefits. The lengthy leases that come with rental panel contracts (often 25 years) have been seen to put off mortgage lenders.

It’s highly recommended that if you want to benefit from free electricity and help the environment with solar, you should save up first to increase the value of your property – not render it unsellable.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

As we said, it’s never been so important to do your bit to save our eco-system. The polar ice caps are melting faster than has ever been recorded, and the earth is suffering terrible effects. As well as hurricanes and fires, we’ve also experienced floods, earthquakes and landslides all over the world this year.

In the large scheme of things, installing solar panels doesn’t seem like it will help much, but if everyone did their part to be more eco-conscious, we could significantly reduce the strain of destructive fossil fuels on the environment. By equipping your property with solar panels, you will save money while making steps to saving the environment – a tough offer to turn down!

Utilizing green energy within your business has even better rewards. Marketing your business as eco-conscious and sustainable is a great way to attract customers and impress existing ones. In recent years, studies into consumer activity have found that sustainability is a big shopping priority, especially among the millennial generation. Corporate solar panels will increase your revenue by expanding your customer base AND saving your business’s energy bills.

So – what are you waiting for? Contact a solar energy company today, who will be more than happy to assist you on your green energy journey.

Recommended Reading: Marketing Strategy for Solar Companies

5 Actionable Tips to Use More Renewable Energy

The world doesn’t seem to stop when it comes to consuming energy. As each country experience growth and development as a society, their needs for power increases to keep up with the pace of their expansion. The process is a natural one.  It’s even socially encouraged, but that doesn’t change the fact that it takes a toll on our planet. More of the world resources are exploited and processed to become fuel.

While denied by many of these industries for a long time, the ugly side of energy consumption has been exposed for the whole world to see. It has increased the awareness about the need to embrace alternative energy and waste solutions that are renewable and cleaner to avoid contamination and slow down the degradation of our many natural ecosystems.

how to use more renewable energy

Many of the initiatives to use clean energies are embraced in multiple countries. Some of them are backed by governments and private industries looking to preserve our planet and fix some of the damage caused by our constant demands of resources. Many people believe that individual efforts don’t count. The fact is that every single bit of help they can get adds up a lot. If you are a student looking to make a difference in this world, check out green MBA programs.

Here are 5 actionable tips you can follow to make proper use of renewable energy on your premises:

1. Embrace Solar-Powered Technologies

If you haven’t realized it yet the sun is the most powerful energy source in the world and no one can charge to use it. This is why many developers focused on creating technology that makes the best use of the power delivered by the light and radiation offered by the main star in our solar system.

Nowadays, you can get solar-powered vehicles, and solar panels to distribute energy at your home. Such solar technologies can be a bit expensive but is durable as nothing else in the market, plus it is a one-time investment at best!

2. Crowdfund Clean Energy Projects

Many communities are willing to go green and use green energy sources when they are presented the right project. Most of the times the neighbors’ just need to see a well-laid plan explaining why using renewable energy sources will be more affordable for them in the long run.

A solar-powered community project in Laos

The environmental angle can also be helpful, especially for those homeowners that live close to natural reservoirs and wish to keep the value of their properties by safekeeping the environment.

3. Support the Society of Concerned Scientist

This is an amazing initiative to get businesses and the world to become more educated and use more renewable energy.  I am not affiliated with the society at all, but it may be one of the most actionable ways to help the environment because they have built up a lot of support and assets.

Check out what they are doing here.

4. Use Water-processing Technology

Many households and modern housing projects can make use of this technology to recycle the water sources they use and avoid the unnecessary waste of such vital liquid.

The basic principles of this initiative require investment in processing plants and large tanks that can either be installed on the foundations of your home or at the side of it. Your house will always have clean running water, and you won’t take much from the natural sources near your place.

5. Wind Power for Home or Business

Many locations around the world are using wind-powered turbines to generate electricity, and it has become a business opportunity for many entrepreneurs around the world. The plants are easy to install, and the energy is very cheap to produce.

Wind-powered energy has generated an excess of power in certain locations such as China, Germany, Australia and some regions on the USA with these plants selling they’re overproduced to regular energy plants. The power provided by these alternatives is cleaner than most and very easy on a family budget.

3 Things To Think About When Installing Solar Panels

If you’re looking to join the green movement and install solar panels on your home, we’ve got the perfect article to share and help you learn if you should make the solar investment.

1. The cost of installing solar panels

Installing solar panels is going to be slightly costly. One of the reasons behind this is that scaffolding will have to be placed around your home, and roofers will need to attach fixings to your rafters.

It’s important to discuss with your solar panel installer before proceeding with the installation. Still, a surveyor should visit your home to help you understand all the costs associated with installing solar panels.


The size of your home will also change the price of solar panels as a larger house tends to use more electricity and will require more panels. This increases the costs, and your solar panel installer will explain any extra hidden costs behind the solution. You may also qualify for free solar panels so don’t forget to go through the government’s renewable energy grants schemes.

Once installed, solar panels do not require much maintenance and should last for a long time. However, you may run into problems over the years and need pigeon proofing solar panels to avoid birds from nesting underneath and a general clean every few years, adding some maintenance costs.

Our recommendation is to contact as many solar panel installers as possible and ask for quotes from all of them. Then, compare the quotes you have received and a breakdown of the expected energy savings from your solar panels and make an educated decision if solar panels are the correct solution to your energy problems. The initial investment can be costly, but over time you should make that back with savings.

2. Is your home suitable for solar panels?

Depending on which country you live in and the angle of your roof, your home may be more suitable for solar panels than others. However, you should never install solar panels on a home that receives relatively no sunlight due to shade caused by trees, buildings and any other object.


Other factors to consider is that if you work in an office, you will not receive the full benefits of the panels

Some countries such as the UK require planning permission for solar panels to be installed on listed buildings or buildings within conservation areas.

3. Problems with your solar panels

Commonly, you may run into a solar panel problem during the time you have them in your home; the most common problem highlighted tends to be the inverter which causes no usable energy to be transmitted from your system.


Other common solar panel issues include birds nesting under solar panels, panels building up dirt, electrical problems and isolator problems.

Most issues can be resolved by yourself, but the main problem is finding out the cause of the case. Which usually means you have to call in a solar panel installer or expert.

If you’re still undecided on solar panels for your home, don’t feel pressured; solar panels are a costly and lengthy investment, and you have to be sure that you want to go ahead with the acquisition.

3 Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Choices That Won’t Alter Your Life

While everyone is fully aware of the true extent of the global environmental crisis, not everyone is entirely willing to make changes that will slow the destruction of our planet simply because some are a massive inconvenience. However, affordable green living doesn’t have to be disruptive or expensive. There are a multitude of small lifestyle changes you can make that are both favourable to the environment and won’t drastically alter your daily life.

These could include practices such as composting food waste, using reusable shopping bags and water bottles, and opting for energy-efficient appliances. Cycling or walking instead of driving for short distances is another affordable green living idea that not only reduces your carbon footprint but also promotes physical health. Furthermore, installing energy-efficient light bulbs and making a conscious effort to reduce, reuse, and recycle can make a significant difference over time.

Switching to a plant-based diet, at least partially, can also contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle, as the meat and dairy industry is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. Buying local and seasonal produce not only supports your local economy, but it also reduces the carbon emissions associated with long-distance transportation of goods.

Incorporating renewable energy sources, like solar panels, into your home might require an initial investment, but they can significantly reduce your energy bills in the long run and provide you with a clean, green source of power.

Remember, affordable green living is not about making one big change, but about making many small changes that add up. By adopting eco-friendly habits, we can all play a part in preserving our environment without making drastic changes to our lifestyles. The following eco-friendly decisions are highly recommended changes that will also save you a fortune.

1. Invest in Solar Power

Taking measures to lower your power bill will likely inconvenience your day as you try to reduce your power consumption through means that will essentially reduce your quality of life. Although, you can invest in solar power and enjoy the same power consumption as you currently are without actually harming the world around us. What’s more, you will be able to save a large amount of money as your power bill will ultimately be removed from your monthly budget completely.

The initial solar cost will be a notable investment and while many homeowners shun from the idea as installing solar panels is not entirely the cheapest decision, although, when considering that your monthly power bill will no longer be an aspect of your budget, you will be able to save in the long-run. The investment will continue to enhance your savings for years to come.

2. Switch To Glass

If you are currently making use of plastic products such as containers and other kitchenware products, you should consider the health benefits of switching to glass. Plastic has left a massive mark on our environment and by switching to glass you won’t just be reducing your own carbon footprint, but you will also be improving the health of your family as plastic products contain harmful chemicals. Therefore, the switch won’t change your daily life whatsoever, although, the environment will be thankful for the change and so will your family.

Some plastic products, such as shopping bags and drinking straws can be switched to other materials and as many retailers have noted the damage, shops are switching to paper straws and paper or material tote bags as zero waste trends are becoming more popular around the world. Once again, this effort will actually save you a small fortune over time as disposable items can become costly. Click here to learn about transition to zero-waste lifestyle. If you are a tea aficionado, you may consider switching to eco-friendly tea bags.

3. Adjust Your Transport Methods

Not everyone is prepared to walk or cycle to work simply to save the planet and this is often plausible as not everyone lives close enough to their workplace. However, there are other ways of being eco-friendly when travelling. You could consider investing in an electric or hybrid vehicle as the initial spend would also save you a fortune over time and when considering that using solar power means you won’t have to spend money to run your vehicle, your travel budget will be chopped in half.


Alternatively, you could also consider starting a carpool to reduce the number of vehicles on the roads as this is also making a conscious eco effort to save the environment and save money in the process.

Recommended Reading: How to Level-Up Your Eco Efforts

7 Key Factors Affecting the Lifespan of Home Solar Panels

Installing solar panels in homes is becoming more popular due to increase in the efficiency and availability of solar panels, besides the public concern for environmental preservation. According to experts, “green” energy should eventually replace the traditional sector of the world economy. Solar panels for the home combines several modules of photovoltaic cells that convert solar energy into electrical energy.

different surveys when building a new home

The excess energy generated by solar panels during the day is stored and used when needed. Batteries can be used as a backup power source in the absence of a centralized power supply. They allow significant cost savings when utility rates are too high. For example, the price of residential electricity in 2022 averages 14.6 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh), up 6.1% from 20211.

Solar energy accounts for 3.7% of global electricity production and this figure will steadily increase over time2. According to statistics, every second buyer of solar panels is interested in purchasing them in addition to the system already working in the house. These energy sources are a long-term and significant investment in home improvement. Therefore, the service life of a home solar panel is an important factor for manufacturers and buyers. Manufacturers must ensure that their products are reliable and durable.

Most homeowners prefer power system brands that supply the best solar batteries with a guarantee of reliability and durability. The service life of home energy storage is 5 to 15 years. Solar panels are made from recyclable materials with a guarantee of their operation for 25 years. They can be replaced after the warranty period of use.

Factors Affecting the Lifespan of Home Solar Panel

The service life of solar panels is an important factor for both manufacturers and owners. It shows how the modules are durable, reliable and make it easy to produce power when needed. The lifespan of solar energy storage devices is affected by the following factors:

1. Degradation of panels (gradual loss of efficiency of modules)

The duration of their operation depends on the degradation factor of the solar energy storage. This indicator is influenced by the manufacturability and quality of the manufacturer’s products. The best manufacturers estimate the annual power loss of the solar panel in the amount of 0.8-1%. This guarantees the buyer that in 20-25 years his solar installation will produce at least 80-85% of the originally installed power rating per year of production.

2. Features of the operation of the solar battery

The life span of a solar panel depends on the cycle of use. The solar panel is a deep cycle unit that can discharge up to 80% of stored energy before recharging. Batteries charge level depends on characteristics such as model and size, which increase their potential. When buying a device, you should pay attention to the manufacturer’s depth of discharge (DoD): the larger it is, the longer the battery will last.

solar energy diy

3. The impact of adverse environmental factors

The relevant environmental factors include difference in night and day temperatures, the influence of ultraviolet radiation, overheating in the daytime, strong gusts of wind. When the air temperature rises, the material of the battery expands, and when the ambient temperature drops, it contracts. Such a temperature difference leads to the formation of microcracks on the panel, which reduces its performance. The air temperature and excessive ultraviolet radiation eventually destroy the hermetic elements of the module, causing loss of their elasticity and mechanical damage.

4. Properties of the material from which the module is made

Polycrystalline systems wear out more than mono crystalline modules. The payback period for batteries made from polycrystalline modules is much faster. However, they also require replacement faster after 25 years of operation. This is especially true for solar panels of the middle and low price segment. Therefore, polycrystalline modules are not recommended to buy and install.

5. Type of solar battery

According to the chemical composition, lead-acid, lithium-ion, salted (with sea water) batteries are distinguished. Among them, lithium-ion panels are characterized by greater depth of discharge (DoD), durability, lightness and compactness3.

6. Heating temperature of the solar battery

The battery pack lasts longer in moderate ambient temperatures. In this case, it is better to install it on the roof of the house. At low temperatures, the battery will work fine if it is operated in a garage or basement. The higher the air temperature, the more the solar panels power generation performance decreases in summer.

7. Quality assurance and regular maintenance of the solar battery

They play a leading role in ensuring the durability of the device. Manufacturers must guarantee the performance and life expectancy of a solar power system. Regular maintenance always costs less than replacing or buying a new battery. For example, maintenance of a battery costs between $150 and $300 per year, but you can spend $100 to $3,200 to repair it4.

In addition to these factors, the performance of a solar station is affected by the presence of a shadow, the orientation and angle of inclination of the batteries, the quality of design and installation work carried out by the installer. When choosing a contractor who will mount your station, you should contact companies with experience in the field of solar energy. A professional installation company will offer you solar energy system maintenance and repair service.

How to extend the life of solar panels

The owner of a home power plant himself can extend the life of solar energy system if he observes the following rules:

  • timely cleaning of panels after snow sticking to them;
  • avoid damage or scratches to the module;
  • protection from strong winds by barrier structures;
  • regular cleaning of panels from dirt and dust with water from a hose;
  • continuous battery charging, as a battery that is not charged for a long time wear out prematurely;
  • regulation of the optimal number of batteries in the solar system, which contributes to its uniform charging.

The solar company Aion.solar offers a full range of services from materials for the production of home energy systems to their installation. Convince yourself of the efficiency and quality of home solar installations offered by this company.