About Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar is the CEO of BioEnergy Consult, and an international consultant, advisor and trainer with expertise in waste management, biomass energy, waste-to-energy, environment protection and resource conservation. His geographical areas of focus include Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Salman has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biogas technology, biomass energy, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. Salman has participated in numerous national and international conferences all over the world. He is a prolific environmental journalist, and has authored more than 300 articles in reputed journals, magazines and websites. In addition, he is proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainability through his blogs and portals. Salman can be reached at salman@bioenergyconsult.com or salman@cleantechloops.com.

6 Steps to Build a Career in Sustainability

Are you passionate about a sustainable future and eager to turn that into a fulfilling career? You’re in the right place. This guide provides a step-by-step roadmap to building a meaningful career in the burgeoning field of sustainability, suitable for both newcomers and experienced professionals.

Sustainability offers a vast array of opportunities, accommodating a diverse range of skills and backgrounds. So, if you’re keen to swap a routine job for one that aligns with your values and offers positive impact, look no further.

career options in sustainability

Why settle? With the growing focus on sustainable practices, now is the perfect time to align your career with your convictions. Get ready to embark on a fulfilling journey that pairs your professional goals with meaningful action. Your new path starts now.

Is it Hard to Find a Job in Sustainability?

No, it’s not hard to find a job in sustainability due to the growing interest in the field. However, many of these jobs do require specific skills. For example, some roles may need a strong background in science, technology, engineering, or math, while others may look for business know-how related to sustainable practices.

Don’t expect to land a job easily by training in “sustainability” as such. You need to think about developing marketable, generic skills. According to Prerana Tirodkar from GreenBiz, “students graduating with sustainable development, climate science and environmental policy degrees still struggle to find suitable job opportunities.”

There are many places to look for jobs, from nonprofits to corporate settings, but competition can be tough. Having the right educational background, like relevant degrees or certifications, can give you an edge. Practical experience, which you can gain through internships or volunteering, is also highly valued.

Networking plays a big role in landing a job in sustainability. Many opportunities come from knowing someone in the field. So, while there are more and more jobs available, they often require a mix of specialized skills, including technical expertise, an understanding of relevant policies, and a knack for business strategy.

Steps to Start a Sustainability Career

For a realistic shot at a successful career in environmental sustainability, here are six steps to follow. This strategy recognizes that, leaving examples like Greta Thunberg aside, serious skills are normally needed to make an impact.

1. Choose the right degree

Enroll in a degree program that matches your area of interest in sustainability, such as environmental science, engineering, or business.

For example, if you’re focused on renewable energy, a degree in electrical engineering would be suitable. For corporate sustainability, a business degree may be more relevant.

Refer to the list of sustainability jobs in this article for green career path ideas.

2. Consider advanced education

Further specialize your skills by considering a Master’s degree related to your sustainability goals.

Master’s programs usually include courses on topics like strategic planning, energy management, and policy, preparing you for higher-level roles in the sector.

3. Network and gain experience

Use platforms like LinkedIn to connect with professionals in the field. Seek out internships or volunteer roles in sustainability-focused organizations to gain practical experience and build a robust professional network.

4. Develop soft skills

Focus on essential interpersonal skills such as leadership, effective communication, and project management.

You can practice these skills in your academic projects, during internships, or in volunteer roles to make you more appealing to employers.

5. Seek practical experience

Actively look for internships, co-op programs, or entry-level positions that align with your sustainability interests.

This real-world experience will not only enhance your resume but will also help you establish valuable industry connections.

6. Continue learning

Even after formal education, it’s important to stay current. Consider pursuing additional certifications or becoming a member of professional sustainability organizations.

Be ready to adapt to new challenges and opportunities in the sustainability field by continually updating your skills and knowledge.

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List of Sustainability Jobs

Getting a university degree is usually the first step in landing a sustainability job. Fields like ecology, environmental science, and engineering often call for a STEM background. However, business studies can also lead to roles in green marketing, consulting, and leadership.

Based on the article How to Build a Career in Sustainability from Lerna Australia, these are some of the best opportunities for a career focused on improving environmental outcomes.

1. Agronomist

With a background in Agricultural Science or Agronomy, an agronomist specializes in optimizing crop production through sustainable practices.

2. Ecologist

Holding degrees in Ecology or Environmental Science, ecologists offer valuable insights into biodiversity and conservation. They use field studies and data interpretation to formulate strategies for environmental preservation.

3. Energy Engineer

In this role, you’re at the forefront of clean technology, typically with a degree in Renewable Energy Engineering or Electrical Engineering. The focus is on harnessing renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydro.

4. Environmental Consultant

Environmental consultants provide advice on eco-friendly practices and often have degrees in environmental science, engineering, or geology. They assess risks, interpret data, and conduct field investigations.

How To Pursue A Career In Environmental Management

5. Environmental Engineer

Focusing on areas like water and air pollution control, these engineers usually have degrees in Environmental or Civil Engineering. They design projects that aim to harmonize human needs with planetary well-being.

6. Environmental Scientist

With a degree in Environmental Science, Biology, or Chemistry, an environmental scientist addresses complex issues like climate change, conservation, and pollution through rigorous research and data analysis.

7. ESG Analyst

This role is crucial in the financial landscape. With a background in Finance, Business, or Economics, an ESG analyst guides investments toward sustainability and responsible practices.

8. Marketing Manager

Focusing on green marketing, these managers often have degrees in Marketing or Digital Marketing. They analyze consumer behaviors to promote eco-friendly products and initiatives.

9. Policy Analyst

Typically having an educational background in Business, Engineering, Science, or Social Science, a policy analyst informs government policies and programs that promote sustainability.

10. Supply Chain Manager

In this role, responsibilities span from ethical sourcing to waste reduction. A degree in Business, With a background Logistics, or Supply Chain Management is often required.

11. Sustainability Consultant

In Sustainability, Environmental Management, or Business, a sustainability consultant helps businesses integrate eco-friendly practices into their operations.

climate change in sustainability reporting

12. Sustainability Manager

Leading organizations in sustainable operations, these managers generally hold degrees in Sustainability or Environmental Management. Their expertise helps guide businesses toward more eco-friendly practices.

13. Town Planner

These professionals shape sustainable communities, typically holding degrees in Urban and Regional Planning, Architecture, or Geography. They manage land use and adhere to construction codes and environmental regulations.

14. Urban Designer

With a focus on designing sustainable cityscapes, an urban designer usually has a background in Architecture, Environmental Design, or City Planning. They shape urban spaces while considering social, economic, and environmental factors.

5 Key Tips for a Successful Waste Recycling Strategy

In an era marked by environmental awareness, crafting an effective waste recycling strategy is essential for individuals, communities, and businesses alike. Adopting sustainable practices not only reduces the strain on landfills but also contributes to the conservation of earth’s precious resources. This article presents five crucial tips that can pave the way for a successful waste recycling strategy, promoting a greener future for the planet.

Four recycle bins of different colors

To transition to a zero-waste lifestyle, you should always recycle.

1. Source Segregation: Streamlining the Recycling Process

At the heart of any recycling strategy lies source segregation, the practice of sorting waste materials at the point of disposal. By categorizing waste into distinct streams, such as paper, plastics, glass, and organic matter, you streamline the recycling process and ensure that each material is processed optimally. This step minimizes contamination and maximizes the value derived from recycled materials, making it a cornerstone of an effective waste management plan.

2. Public Awareness and Education: Fostering a Recycling Culture

Raising public awareness is pivotal in driving successful waste recycling. Communities and businesses must invest in educational campaigns to inform individuals about the importance of recycling and proper disposal techniques. Collaborating with schools and local organizations can amplify these efforts. By emphasizing the tangible benefits of recycling and illustrating how small actions can collectively make a significant impact, a recycling culture can flourish.

3. Technology Integration: Enhancing Efficiency and Monitoring

Incorporating technology into waste-recycling strategies can yield impressive results. Smart bins equipped with sensors can monitor fill levels, optimizing waste collection routes and reducing unnecessary pickups. Additionally, data-driven insights can aid in fine-tuning recycling programs over time. A partnership with an electricity provider can help power these technological advancements sustainably, ensuring that monitoring systems are efficient and environmentally friendly.

smart waste management

AI-based waste management systems can help in route optimization and waste disposal

4. Circular Economy Collaboration: From Waste to Resource

Fostering partnerships with businesses that embrace the circular economy model is a strategic move. This model emphasizes minimizing waste and reusing materials, transforming them into valuable resources. By collaborating with forward-thinking industries, waste recycling programs can benefit from innovative upcycling and repurposing solutions. Such collaborations not only divert waste from landfills but also promote a more sustainable approach to resource management.

Through these partnerships, the circular economy principles are not just integrated into the waste recycling strategy, but they become a driving force for innovation and creativity. By tapping into the expertise of businesses committed to reimagining material usage, recycling programs can uncover new avenues for product design, material sourcing, and waste reduction.

environmental benefits of circular manufacturing

This proactive engagement with industry leaders further solidifies the waste recycling strategy’s impact, driving positive change across sectors and inspiring a broader shift toward a circular, waste-conscious economy.

5. Continuous Evaluation and Adaptation: A Dynamic Approach

A successful waste recycling strategy isn’t static; it evolves over time. Regular evaluation of the program’s effectiveness is vital. Metrics such as waste diversion rates, reductions in contamination, and resource savings should guide refinements to the strategy. Stakeholder feedback can provide valuable insights for adapting the strategy to changing needs and advancements. This dynamic approach ensures that the strategy remains effective in addressing the evolving landscape of waste management challenges and opportunities.

Bottom Line

Crafting and implementing an effective waste recycling strategy demands commitment, collaboration, and innovation. By embracing source segregation, raising awareness, leveraging technology, fostering circular economy partnerships, and maintaining adaptability, communities and businesses can pave the way for a greener, more sustainable future. Each step taken toward waste recycling is a step toward preserving the planet’s resources for generations to come.

5 High-Tech Methods to Reduce Water Wastage in the Manufacturing Sector

Water scarcity is a significant issue, affecting about 2 billion people globally, according to the United Nations. Among the primary contributors to this problem are companies in the manufacturing sector. These industries consume large quantities of water and release contaminants into major water sources.

However, manufacturers can help reduce water wastage by implementing some proven high-tech methods. This article will explore five strategies to help you get started.

tech-based methods to reduce water wastage in manufacturing

1. IoT-Enabled Water Monitoring Systems

The benefits of the Internet of Things (IoT) continue to be experienced in various sectors, and water management is no exception. This technology entails placing sensors strategically throughout the manufacturing facility to collect information on water flow rates, temperature, pH levels, and contaminants.

The advantage of IoT-enabled systems lies in their ability to detect anomalies and inefficiencies. If a sudden increase in water consumption is detected or water quality deviates from the norm, the system can trigger alerts, enabling swift intervention.

Manufacturers can proactively address leaks, malfunctions, or process inefficiencies, saving water and reducing operational costs.

2. Water Recycling and Reclamation Systems

Water recycling and reclamation systems are advanced technologies that allow manufacturers to treat and reuse water within their processes. They are particularly effective in industries that require a significant amount of water, such as textile manufacturing and food processing.

One common approach is the installation of water treatment plants within manufacturing facilities. These plants use various filtration and purification methods to remove contaminants and pollutants from wastewater, making it suitable for reuse.

By implementing these systems, manufacturers can significantly reduce their water consumption and wastewater discharge, thus contributing to environmental preservation and cost savings.

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Process Optimization

Artificial intelligence can transform manufacturing by optimizing processes for efficiency and sustainability. Manufacturers can implement AI algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data and identify opportunities for reducing water usage while maintaining product quality and production speed.

For instance, AI can optimize the supply chain in the paper and pulp industry, where water is crucial for the papermaking process. By analyzing factors like humidity, temperature, and raw material quality, AI can recommend the precise amount of water needed for each batch, minimizing waste.

Additionally, AI can predict equipment failures and maintenance needs, preventing water leaks and other issues that lead to wastage.

4. Water-Efficient Equipment

Investing in water-efficient equipment is a fundamental step in reducing water wastage in manufacturing. Manufacturers should consider choosing machinery and technologies built with water conservation in mind. For instance, some industrial washers and cooling systems are now designed to use less water while maintaining effectiveness.

Additionally, retrofitting existing equipment with water-efficient components can yield significant water savings. These modifications can include the installation of high-efficiency nozzles, valves, and pumps.

hydrogel water filtration

5. Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) Systems

The concept of Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) systems is gaining traction as an ultimate solution to water wastage in manufacturing. These systems eliminate wastewater discharge by recovering and reusing almost all the water within a manufacturing facility.

ZLD systems use advanced treatment processes like evaporation, crystallization, and separation to extract water from the waste stream, leaving behind only solid waste. They are particularly valuable in chemical manufacturing industries where water contamination is a significant concern.

While implementing ZLD systems can be costly, the long-term benefits of water conservation and regulatory compliance are significant.

Try EAU Technologies for Your Water Conservation Needs

When it comes to addressing water wastage in the manufacturing sector, EAU Technologies emerges as a leading solution provider. Their product, Empowered Water®, is a patented electrolyzed water formula with versatile applications in medicine, hospitality, agriculture, and food service.

The perks of EAU technologies are manifold, offering customized SafeWater generators tailored precisely to your needs. Plus, as a local provider in Georgia, EAU Technologies understands your local business needs, fostering community connections.


Water wastage in manufacturing is a pressing issue that demands immediate attention. As global water resources become scarcer, industries must adopt sustainable practices to mitigate their impact. The high-tech methods discussed in this article offer practical ways to achieve this goal.

Reasons Why Greenhouse Ventilation is Essential

The essential function of a greenhouse is to have the right environment for plants to grow. Thus, good greenhouse design is vital. Among the features of a greenhouse is ventilation.

The greenhouse needs excellent ventilation to create a balance in the indoor climate, maximizing the sun’s power while maintaining the air quality and optimal temperature to ensure that the plants will grow vigorously.

Why Greenhouse Ventilation is Essential

Whether operating a backyard greenhouse or a commercial greenhouse, keep in mind that air exchange is vital, not only for providing fresh air and carbon dioxide so your plants can photosynthesize. It will also regulate the indoor temperature in your greenhouse in all weather conditions.

A good ventilation layout is necessary

You need a good ventilation layout so you can effectively cool the greenhouse on a hot day. Use exhaust fans to blow the stale, hot air out of the structure. You also need intake shutters mounted opposite the exhaust system to take in the cooler fresh air.

For a commercial greenhouse, the exhaust fan system should change the air between one to three minutes in summer, which will keep a reasonable temperature inside the greenhouse. If you have a small greenhouse, the system will only need one minute.

Your commercial greenhouse should also have complementary equipment, such as variable-speed motors, motorized shutters and louvered fans. There should also be roof and side vents to keep a steady supply of fresh air and improve the cooling of the greenhouse.

If the summers are long and hot in your area, evaporative coolers could be the solution. They will add humidity, cooling, and air movement inside the greenhouse. You can use evaporative coolers together with the exhaust shutters.

Ventilation tips

It is essential to understand the needs of your specific crops so you can implement the right combination to boost their growth. Working with an expert in greenhouse structures will be beneficial in providing you with the perfect growing space under all weather conditions.

Cooling the greenhouse with wind and thermal buoyancy is one of the concepts that has been around for ages. The concept uses louvers or vents that open to allow excess heat to escape while cooler air from outside is allowed to enter.


But when large polyethylene sheets became a popular covering for greenhouse roofs, placing the vents on the roof became a challenge. So engineers developed a system of using fans to draw outside air through louvers installed in one end of the structure and an exhaust fan system at the other end. The ventilation system using this method uses thermostatic control.

Hoop style greenhouses are more effective in providing ventilation using roll-up sides. But greenhouses with roof and side vents are more effective when there is enough space as the vents should be large enough to allow for good air movement. Many manufacturers are producing open-roof greenhouses. You can easily control the roof’s opening to maximize heat and cool air entry as needed.

Working with an expert greenhouse manufacturer will ensure that the structure will fit the crops you want to grow and maximize all the design features according to your location.

Which Option to Consider While Purchasing Forklift: Buy, Lease or Rent?

There are various options to consider when you want to acquire a forklift. As this is no cheap piece of equipment. Making a decision requires you to use a unique lens to decide on what’s best for your scale of operation. Are you torn between renting, leasing or buying? To help you through this challenging process, below, you will find points that will assist you in determining the best cause of action for your business:

things to consider when buying forklifts


1. Renting a forklift

If you in a seasonal peak during your business period or in need of moving extra freight, renting is the choice you can take. When you choose to rent a forklift, you are sure to benefit from experimenting with different classes of forklifts to see which one increases productivity.

However, rentals are somewhat expensive compared to leasing or buying. This is because you will have to cover maintenance costs as well as the time that the forklift will be idle while at the dealership between rental assignments.

During renting, remember that there will be building waste that needs attention. You need to take care of transportation waste, construction waste sorting as well as recycling streams.

2. Leasing a forklift

While you are contemplating leasing, you can set your number of years on which you intend to rent the machine. Having a short lease will allow you to work better if you want to become fluid. Leasing will provide you with less monthly payments when compared to renting or buying.

This option allows you to test-drive new models without making a permanent commitment to buying it. You will be at a position to make adjustments where you see fit in terms of decreasing the fleet size, changing product mix or modifying terms of the lease

3. Buying a forklift

Does your business have a preference for owning all the capital equipment it has? Do you want to access a higher competitive credit line? Is your business stable, or you anticipate to use the material for more than 20 years? Do you have cash at hand to make a purchase immediately? If yes, the best course of action that you should proceed with it buying your forklift machine.

forklift buying guide

This way, you are sure to make a better return on investment because when you rent over a long period, rental fee tends to become higher as compared to monthly financial costs.

Buying a forklift will allow you to make your modifications than with a rental or leased equipment. You get customized options which suit your specific needs.

You can enjoy a tax deduction as purchased forklift are entitled to a reduced tax.


When deciding on what purchasing technique to use, be sure to analyze your business needs before making any rash decisions. This will go hand in hand with the ultimate choice you make in purchasing option that will work for your company.

Motivation for Writing a Paper: 7 Effective Ways

When you start writing a paper, it is very important to properly motivate yourself. Motivation is a personal matter. No one except ourselves can find the perfect key to the door the muse comes through. Let’s start from the very beginning — from the moment when you have to sit at the table and start writing a paper, but something goes wrong. Why does this happen? The most common reasons are:

  • Lack of habit. You are not in the habit of regularly working on papers.
  • Lack of purpose. You have little idea of ​​what to write about and what the result should be. That is, there is no clear idea of how to write a paper.
  • Excessive requirements. You raised the bar too high — either you write a perfect paper or not.
  • Internal fears. In addition to perfectionism, there are usually much more fears like: “I will not succeed, I will get a bad grade, and so on.”

Motivation for Writing a Paper

Stages of Writing a Paper

Collecting information. In general, any information that can affect the quality of what you write will come in handy. Some students underestimate the value of gathering information and spend a lot of extra time and energy gathering it in the process of working on a paper.

  • Formation of theses and drawing up an outline. The main rules for the formulation of theses are as follows: you should write them in simple sentences so that you don’t waste time on their interpretation in the future. It is best to divide the abstracts into paragraphs, that is, to arrange them in the form of a list. After drawing up the abstracts, you need to make a detailed outline. Remember that the planned task brings confidence, which means less fear. Then it can be changed. The main thing is to have it.
  • Drawing up a draft. Make a draft where you can make mistakes. And only after this, you can start writing a “real” paper.
  • This is a very important part of the creative process. Sometimes it takes much more time than the actual writing process. After all, it is hard to think simultaneously about the task, the meaning, and the text formatting. Our brain says, “Enough! Give me one thing.” And we are confused.

7 Tips How to Start Writing a Paper

At the beginning of writing a paper, students are often confused since they don’t know where to start writing such a serious and voluminous work. Laziness is often mingled with fear. To drive away such a destructive condition for any working process, you need to make some effort.

1. Start writing a paper as early as possible

You can walk in circles near the table and think how scary and difficult it will be to write a paper. But it is better to stop such movements at one moment and just force yourself to sit down and start writing at least something. This way, you will save valuable time.

2. You need to force yourself to start

In most cases, inspiration comes to a person in the process of work. And as soon as you write the first pages or just draw up a plan for your paper, the goal will no longer seem so unattainable. You need to maintain a clear perspective, a calm view of what is happening, and not get stuck on what you need to do. Tell yourself clearly that you CAN do it, and think about it until you finish.

3. Break it down into sections

In case you don’t know where to start, make a plan for your work, breaking it down into sections. Write everything you know in each section. In this case, even incorrect reasoning will be appropriate. It is much easier to change what you have written than to make everything perfect from the very beginning.

4. Don’t think about deadlines

It should also be remembered that deadlines are not such a major obstacle. Even a little time that you spend on writing a paper will bring you a very specific result. As Pareto’s Law says, the first 20% of our efforts create 80% of the result. You just have to spend the remaining 80% of the effort to achieve 20% of the result. That is, with proper working capacity and patience, you can catch the deadlines.

5. “Feed” your brain

Keep healthy snacks on hand to keep you energized and enthusiastic for work. Choose foods that are high in protein such as peanut butter and soy, and high in complex carbohydrates, such as vegetables and fruits. Avoid sugar and caffeine — after consuming it, you can feel even worse.

growth of organic food industry

6. Don’t combine several important things

Unfortunately, not all of us can cope with several tasks at once. Therefore, it is better to concentrate on one thing. So, try to prioritize your education over your personal life or going out with friends. But don’t forget to take breaks. Get up and stretch for 2-3 minutes every hour. This will help you focus better on a paper than if you just sit and write it for 5 hours without breaks.

7. Order help from someone who knows how to do it professionally

Sometimes the best option is to order a professional essay from qualified specialists who can analyze many sources. Online service DoMyEssay will be the only way for a student not to waste such an important resource as personal time on such a difficult and time-consuming activity as writing a paper.

ecology research paper

If you entrust this task to a writer who works on this virtual resource and pay for it, you can be 100% sure that you are making the right choice in favor of the professionals in their field. They will not let you down and will fulfill all their obligations within the time frame strictly agreed with the customer.

So, writing a paper is not only a difficult task but also important. But you shouldn’t overestimate it either. Remember that this is a temporary phenomenon in life. Therefore, try to treat it appropriately.

What You Should Know Before Investing in Bioenergy Stocks

In recent years, there has been a gradual shift that has seen people paying extra attention to biomass energy and more environmentally friendly options, which has filtered down to their lifestyle choices as well. However, this is not to say that it is a relatively new concept, as bioenergy is said to be one of the world’s oldest sources of energy. Although initially, it did not lead to many benefits or returns for investors, that has been improving. In 2021, particularly, reports have noted that the industry is starting to find its footing and entrench itself as one worth investing in.

Through the use of technology and key differentiators, many industry players are fast attracting investors and highlighting the competitive advantage that the industry holds over other less sustainable alternatives. In light of this, one might argue that investing in bioenergy may prove to be a viable sustainable forex trading option, given that the industry has been showing a certain level of growth and may possibly reach new heights in years to come.


Investing in bioenergy stocks

Before investing in biomass energy stocks, however, it is worth noting that it is generally a more expensive energy source to produce. Additionally, naysayers have highlighted that it requires a lot of wood from natural forests, which some people will ultimately lead to deforestation. Although generally championed as the more environmentally friendly alternative, writings on the matter claim that if the wood is not fully burnt, it can result in particles that contribute to air pollution.

These are perhaps some of the reasons behind the initial hesitance to invest in biomass energy. On the upside, bioenergy is a great way to repurpose waste and it can be stored with minimal energy loss.

Penny stocks and economies

Given that most of the biomass energy companies are listed on stock exchanges, it is therefore true that the decisions that investors make on the stock market will affect the prices and availability of commodities in global economies.

Having an understanding of this can better guide and inform your decisions as an investor on how to trade stocks or commodities. These include penny stocks, which can be defined as common shares of small public companies that trade for less than one dollar per share. In light of the activity that the bio energy industry has been experiencing, it is no surprise that there is correlating activity amongst penny stocks.

bioethanol india

As at July 2021, listed amongst some of the best energy penny stocks that you might want to consider investing in were Southwestern Energy, Transportadora de Gas, Taronis Fuels and Denison Mines. Of these, Taronis Fuels is described as a global industry player that produces renewable and socially responsible fuel products. It is also said to have a high liquidity and trades more than 160 829 shares per day. Southwestern Energy is described as one of the largest natural gas and natural gas liquid providers in the US. To provide an indication of its activity and investor confidence, it reportedly trades more than a whopping 3.7 million shares per day.

Recommended Resource: How BioEnergy Can Change the World

How To Stay Green With Your Office Cleaning

Businesses are incorporating sustainability into their daily practices in an effort to do their part in creating a more eco-friendly future.  If you’re among the businesses that are adopting eco-friendly business practices such as conserving resources and reducing waste, you’re probably always looking for additional ways to go green.

eco-friendly office cleaning

An area that some businesses overlook is their cleaning practices. Many conventional cleaning products contain chemicals that have a negative impact on people, animals, and the environment. Chemicals in cleaning products can cause health problems such as asthma, cancer, and birth defects. After the products are used, they typically get washed down the drain. Water treatment facilities can get rid of some of the contaminants but not all. These contaminants then get washed into our rivers and lakes, where it can have a negative impact on wildlife.

This is why more and more businesses are incorporating green cleaning into their business practices. If you’re looking for additional ways to stay green, it’s time to look at your cleaning practices.

What is green cleaning?

Green cleaning is when you use cleaning methods and procedures that are designed to preserve human health and the environment. Typically, this means using products that contain environmentally friendly ingredients. Most green products are also manufactured in an environmentally friendly way and are biodegradable.


Most green cleaning products contain a label on their packaging that indicates the company has met certain environmental and labor standards. However, it’s important to remember that some companies can get this label just by donating to environmental causes or using recycled packaging while their products still contain harmful chemicals. You should always check to see what ingredients are in the product to ensure that it is environmentally friendly. Avoid products that use phosphates, chlorine, artificial fragrances, and artificial colors.

The right green cleaning products smell more natural and will still clean your business just as well as conventional cleaning supplies.

How do I switch to green products?

If you would like to practice green cleaning, the first thing you’ll need to do is to find out what you’re currently cleaning with. If your business does its own cleaning, go around your business and make a list of all your products. If you’re using a cleaning company, ask them to provide you with a list.

After you have your list of products, go through and see if any of them are green products. You can do this by seeing if any of them have an ecolabel or checking to see if they are EWG verified.  If any of them are, great! You’re already using green products.

“There are many options for ordering green cleaning products,” says Martha Hernandez of Beyond Eco, a commercial cleaning business in Austin, TX. “Be sure that the label is transparent in the ingredients that are used. Many will withhold information. You also can look up your own recipes for cleaning products. We make many solutions ourselves and utilize reusable bottles or containers to reduce waste in the process.”

If they don’t, you’ll want to see if the vendor you buy your supplies from offers a green product line. If you’re using an outside cleaning company, see if they’re willing to use green products. Most companies will already have alternative products on hand. Some companies, such as Executive Cleaning Services, LLC, will also let you provide your own green cleaning products while still doing the cleaning for you!

Aren’t green products more expensive?

No, not necessarily. Depending on where you buy your products, you can get them for around the same price as conventional products.

There are a number of ways to make green cleaning affordable. If you’re a small business, you can consider making your own cleaners out of natural ingredients. If you purchase your products from a vendor, see if you can buy in bulk or buy concentrated products. You’ll spend more money upfront, but the products will last longer.

You should also eliminate unnecessary products to help reduce costs. There are many all-purpose cleaners out there that can be used on multiple surfaces.


What other ways can I stay green with my cleaning?

Switching to green cleaning products is the best way! If you’re not using green products, then you’re not practicing green cleaning. However, it’s also important that your entire team is on board. If your employees go out and buy conventional cleaning products to clean their own cubicle with, it defeats the purpose of your company using green products. Engage your employees in the process of switching to new supplies so that they have a say.

Some might even start practicing green cleaning at home! If you use a cleaning service, make sure you choose someone who also adopts green cleaning practices. An example of someone who does this is Ideal Cleaning – they only use environmentally cleaning products as they understand how much safer they are to use.

In conclusion

If you’re already practicing sustainable business practices, make sure to add green cleaning to your list of practices. Or, if you’re trying to find ways to start being sustainable, green cleaning is a great first step! It’ll take some time to review your current cleaning products, but once you identify new green cleaning products, you’ll be good to go.

5 Ways Solar Energy Positively Impacts The Environment

Solar energy is one of the most eco-friendly power sources out there. And because of the environmental benefits of solar energy, an increasing number of homeowners and business owners are having solar panels mounted on their properties.

As a green alternative, solar power doesn’t only help reduce power costs but also provides numerous benefits to the natural surroundings. Below you’ll find just a few of solar energy’s most notable impacts on the planet.



1. Promotes Water Conservation

Water is an essential natural resource, and if people continue to use it unabatedly, it may run out sooner rather than later. Traditional power generation and transmission processes use significant amounts of water to cool generators and refine and transport fuel through pipes. The same is true whether the facility uses natural gas, nuclear power, or coal power to meet massive electricity demand.

Solar energy, however, doesn’t require water to produce electricity, so it doesn’t further strain water resources. Residential solar panels maintenance works only require periodic rinses and removal of debris and other types of obstruction. In addition, it doesn’t give off wastewater, so it doesn’t contribute to water pollution.

2. Reduces Greenhouse Gases And Carbon Emissions

Most of the energy we use on the planet is produced from burning fossil fuels, which release carbon dioxide. This chemical compound generates heat once released into the atmosphere, that’s why it’s called a greenhouse gas. It’s said that carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere for more than a thousand years, worsening global warming and negatively impacting the weather systems.

With solar panels meeting residential and commercial electrical needs, fossil fuels don’t have to be burned to make appliances and other power-hungry devices work. Making your home more self-sufficient by mounting solar panels on your roof isn’t only a way to reduce your electricity expenses but a planet-saving measure as well since it relies on a stable and renewable energy source.

3. Avoids Strain On Earth’s Non-renewable Resources

The majority of the world’s current power sources, such as natural gas, oil, and coal, aren’t infinite like the rest of the Earth’s natural resources. As the population continues to grow, so are the demands for those assets. This imbalance continues to strain the Earth’s finite resources, such as fossil fuel. In the face of fast-depleting natural reserves, humans should tap other means of renewable energy sources and minimize their use of the current supply available.

Solar Energy Guide for Students

Switching to solar energy is one great way to preserve the planet’s power resources and lower the demand for them. The sun is nature’s main energy reservoir. It’s said to generate about 173,000 terawatts of solar energy per second. Comparatively, the world’s electricity consumption for 2018 was pegged at 23,398 terawatt-hours. Best of all, solar energy is accessible as long as the sun’s still shining.

4. Helps Slow Down Climate Change

When released into the atmosphere, dangerous emissions from burning fossil fuels damage the environment. What’s more, they can contribute to global warming and extremely erratic climate patterns.

Methane, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrous oxide can amplify the greenhouse effect. Under normal circumstances, the greenhouse effect is a natural process of warming the earth, making it suitable for life. Unfortunately, processing fossil fuels to generate energy has led to abnormally warmer temperatures at unprecedented rates. As a result, the planet has experienced highly dramatic weather disturbances, including unpredictable atmospheric conditions, violent storms, extreme flooding, and severe drought.

Solar panels produce electricity without emitting dangerous chemicals or toxic gases. As more homes and buildings are switching to the use of solar panels, the current power generation practices are expected to become more environment-friendly. With solar energy, you don’t need to burn fuel and exacerbate the greenhouse effect.

5. Minimizes Air Pollution

Besides the environmentally harmful carbon dioxide, burning fossil fuels can generate other hazardous gases such as methane and sulfur dioxide. These toxic chemicals are released into the air and decrease air quality.


Such gases can endanger people’s health and well-being. Various health problems are linked to long-term exposure to air pollution. These include lung cancer, asthma attacks, allergies, lung diseases, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and headaches, to name a few. Inversely, you won’t have any of those problems with solar energy since it doesn’t produce toxic emissions that harm people and the environment.

Wrap Up

Energy use is essential for human existence. But common power generation methods, for the most part, have proven to be detrimental to the planet and human beings. Access to sustainable and eco-friendly energy sources should be a priority for everyone, and you can do your part by harnessing solar energy for your own power requirements.

How Texans Are Making Money With Solar Power

Texans are all about doing things in a big way and that includes saving and making money. One of the newest ways that residents across Texas are padding their wallets is by adding solar arrays to their homes. Most people know that you can save money with solar but aren’t aware that you can actually make money too.

The most popular trend in home design today is adding eco-friendly features. From full Net Zero homes to adding Energy Star appliances, homeowners are looking for ways to adopt a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Carbon footprint reduction has become a serious issue for people around the world.


One of the biggest roadblocks of adding solar to your home is the initial set up cost. Putting up solar panels and setting up a full battery and conversion system can be expensive. But, it’s worth the cost when you take part in a solar panels buyback scheme that will have the power companies paying you instead of you paying out to them.

We have put together a list of some of the ways that you can make money by adding solar to your home in Texas and around the country.

Lower Your Bills

The amount of money that you can save on your energy bills is largely dependent on the size of the solar array you choose to invest in. You can calculate how much solar power you need to run your home using an online app or talk to your provider about how many panels are right for your home.

Once you are set up you will start to see an immediate reduction in the cost to power your home. If you add a large enough array you can eliminate your energy bills altogether, putting money back in your pocket every month.

Raise Property Value

Your home is likely the largest financial investment that you will ever make. With the markets still recovering, it’s important to find ways to increase the value of your home. When you add solar to your home you can expect a 4% increase in your property value. That can be a big chunk for many homeowners and a great way to put money in the bank when it comes time to sell your home.


Tax Break

The only things in life that you can’t avoid are death and taxes. But, wouldn’t it be nice to make a better return during tax season? When you decide to go solar you can get a great tax break at the end of the year.

Up to 25% of your initial set up cost for home solar can be written off on your annual tax return. That’s a huge break for many families and allows you to invest in your solar package with confidence.

Buyback Program

For those homeowners that end up collecting more solar energy than they need to power their homes, there are great benefits to signing up for a solar buyback program. This means that any power that you produce in excess of what you need can be sold back to be used by your local grid. This means that instead of sending money out to the energy companies, they will actually start paying you.

Everyone loves to make money, so why not join the environmental movement of switching over to solar power for your home and watch your bank account grow.