The Role of IT in the Bioenergy Sector

IT in the bioenergy sector

The bioenergy sector is growing rapidly, and it’s widely seen as a key solution to the global challenge of climate change. It has great potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while also providing energy security through renewable sources. However, a lack of IT can be an obstacle to further developments in this sector. That’s because […]

The Concept of Biorefinery


A biorefinery is a facility that integrates biomass conversion processes and equipment to produce fuels, power, and value-added chemicals from biomass. Biorefinery is analogous to today’s petroleum refinery, which produces multiple fuels and products from petroleum. By producing several products, a biorefinery takes advantage of the various components in biomass and their intermediates, therefore maximizing […]

The Role of Biomass Energy in Net-Zero Buildings

The concept of biomass energy is still in its infancy in most parts of the world, but nevertheless, it does have an important role to play in terms of sustainability in general and net-zero buildings in particular. Once processed, biomass is a renewable source of energy that has amazing potential. But there is a lot […]

Why Biofuels Should Be a Key Part in America’s Future

impact of biofuels on air quality

Biofuels are one of the hottest environmental topics, but they aren’t anything new. When discussing these fuels, experts frequently refer to first, second-and third-generation biofuels to differentiate between more efficient and advanced ones currently in development and more traditional biofuels in use for decades. First-generation biofuels are things like methanol, ethanol, biodiesel and vegetable oil, while […]

Biofuels from Syngas


An attractive approach to converting biomass into liquid or gaseous fuels is direct gasification, followed by conversion of the syngas to final fuel. Ethanol can be produced this way, but other fuels can be produced more easily and potentially at lower cost, though none of the approaches is currently inexpensive. The choice of which process […]

A Primer on Waste-to-Energy

Waste-to-Energy (also known as energy-from-waste) is the use of thermochemical and biochemical technologies to recover energy, usually in the form of electricity, steam and fuels, from urban wastes. These new technologies can reduce the volume of the original waste by 90%, depending upon composition and use of outputs. Energy is the driving force for development […]

Overview of Biomass Energy Technologies

A wide range of bioenergy technologies are available for realizing the energy potential of biomass wastes, ranging from very simple systems for disposing of dry waste to more complex technologies capable of dealing with large amounts of industrial waste. Conversion routes for biomass wastes are generally thermo-chemical or bio-chemical, but may also include chemical and […]

Biofuels from MSW – An Introduction


Nowadays, biofuels are in high demand for transportation, industrial heating and electricity generation. Different technologies are being tested for using MSW as feedstock for producing biofuels. This article will provide brief description of biochemical and thermochemical conversion routes for the production of biofuels from municipal solid wastes. Biochemical conversion The waste is collected and milled, […]

6 Top Renewable Energy Companies Helping to Tackle Climate Change


Clean, clean, and increasingly competitive energy sources are renewable energies. They are most diverse, abundant, and usable in every area of the world, but above all, because they neither create greenhouse gas, cause climate change, nor emit harmful emissions. They do not produce greenhouse gases. In addition, their costs decrease, whereas the average trend in […]

Bioethanol Sector in India: Major Challenges To Overcome

bioethanol india

Global demand for fuel efficiency, environmental quality and energy security have elicited global attention towards liquid biofuels, such as bioethanol and biodiesel. Around the world, governments have introduced various policy measurements, mandatory fuel blending programmes, incentives for flex fuel vehicles and agricultural subsidies for the farmers. In India, the government launched Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) […]

Biochemical Method for Ethanol Production

Ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass is produced mainly via biochemical route. The three major steps involved in the biochemical method for ethanol production are pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis, and fermentation. Biomass is pretreated to improve the accessibility of enzymes. After pretreatment, biomass undergoes enzymatic hydrolysis for conversion of polysaccharides into monomer sugars, such as glucose and xylose. […]