Everything You Need To Know About Green Hosting and Green Hosting Providers

The Internet has outgrown its infancy and is expanding tremendously at previously unheard-of rates. Originally just plain text, user-generated content has developed into a variety of multimedia formats, including audio and video.

The bulk of the servers hosting this material is located in data centers. Numerous servers in these enormous facilities manage everything from business websites to individual blogs. However, these servers consume a lot of energy and emit much carbon dioxide (CO2) since they need to be maintained running in cool, regulated surroundings. They are, therefore, not the best for our ecosystem. That is why we need green hosting. Fortunately, many web hosting providers offer such solutions, and you can read more on the following link. Let’s dive into more details.

Why Is Green Hosting Important

What is Green Web Hosting?

Web providers who actively work to implement eco-friendly strategies to lessen their influence on the environment are known as “green web hosts.”

Unfortunately, a data center will only be occupied to a minimal extent by even the biggest web hosting firms. Therefore, expecting them to set requirements for eco-friendliness in data centers is rather unrealistic. Fortunately, many of them have come to a conclusion that, even if this may be the truth, there are still ways they can support environmental health. The main ways that web hosts support the environment are through carbon offsets or renewable energy.

Why is Green Hosting Important?

While the benefits of green hosting are somewhat endless, here are the top three advantages to be aware of.

  • Protection of the environment – The fact that green web hosting causes no harm to the environment is its main benefit. It is an excellent method to lessen your carbon imprint on the environment and a safe, sustainable way to run websites and transmit data.
  • Excellent for your professional profile – The reputation and status of your business will benefit greatly from choosing an eco-hosting service. You may boost your reputation by encouraging sustainable living and working methods by choosing a green web hosting for your domain name. It makes a terrific first impression on your clients and the professional community.
  • Cost-effective compared to regular hosting – Green web hosting is not only economical but also environmentally beneficial. It’s a more affordable solution than traditional hosting for running your servers. Standard web hosting uses a lot of power, which raises the price of its service and bundle. Green hosting, on the other hand, has lower operating expenses since it is powered by renewable resources of energy like solar and wind. As a consequence, the client pays less for their hosting plan.

Trends in Solar Energy Technology

Types of Green Web Hosting Certification

There are two different types of green hosting certification.

1. Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)

Renewable Energy Certificates are known as RECs. The most common name for RECs is Green Tags; however, they are also referred to as Tradable Renewable Certificates. US businesses bought them to demonstrate that a renewable energy source produced one megawatt-hour of electricity, which was subsequently released into the power system. In return, the businesses who sell these Green badges get money. They may pay their expenses and invest the proceeds in more green energy projects. 

2. Carbon Offset Certificate (COC)

Making up for already created carbon is referred to as carbon offsetting. You’ve probably seen choices for carbon offsets while purchasing an airline ticket. Airlines will ask whether you want to buy a certificate to offset the carbon you emitted while flying. For green hosting businesses, the same reasoning holds true. You may demonstrate that you are removing the carbon your company created from other areas of the environment by obtaining a VER.

How To Check If You’re Using A Green Web Hosting Provider?

Web hosts who provide green shared hosting packages make a big deal out of it. Web providers must make a significant financial commitment to become active participants in the fight for responsible environmental conservation.

Your hosting company will be happy to show off its green hosting certifications or discuss its green policies on its profiles. In either case, you’ll be able to see right away if your shared hosting package is green.

How To Choose A Green Web Host?

Before purchasing green hosting services, you may verify the many procedures that a web hosting company uses. Among them are, but are not restricted to:

  • Keeps up with sustainable work – This covers everything from recycling to supporting paperless work to utilizing energy-efficient lighting.
  • Uses only renewable energy – This includes using alternative environmentally friendly power sources and 100% renewable energy to run web hosting. For instance, Bulk Infrastructure offers sustainable data centers in Norway, sourcing their energy from hydropower turbines, ensuring a renewable and environmentally friendly energy supply.
  • Owns green business certificates – This includes renewable energy certificates (RECs), which attest to the supplier’s adherence to green energy standards.
  • Offers carbon-free website hosting – Hosting companies exchange a certificate or credit for carbon offsets that attests to the reduction of CO2 or other harmful emissions to the level specified in the certificate.
  • Follows green office practicesUsing low-power and energy-efficient systems is a part of this. There are mechanisms in place that allow the servers to function for extended periods of time while producing less heat.

The Environmentally Friendly Way Is The Future Of Web Hosting!

Your company or personal website can profit from green web hosting, and it is definitely the future. Your guests will also be aware that you’re doing your part to protect the environment, which will make you happy too!

Your website’s green status may be publicly displayed, demonstrating to visitors your concern for the environment. You could even succeed in persuading a few folks to adopt a green lifestyle. You may inspire a “green revolution” in which everyone places a greater emphasis on energy efficiency and ecologically responsible living by spreading the news to the rest of the globe.

And remember, if everyone contributes, we can have a significant impact.

The Business Case For Water Conservation

The majority of properties globally waste water, and commercial properties are no different. According to EPA statistics, a single toilet can leak a gallon of water every two minutes; an unattended hose, 20 gallons every two minutes. This is a huge amount of water when you multiply that by the hundreds of thousands of businesses in every country around the world. For businesses, there is a moral and ethical imperative to save water – everyone needs to get involved in tackling climate change. However, there’s a business case to be made, too, starting with your bottom line.

Business Case For Water Conservation

Maximizing profits, minimizing waste

The impact of decreasing water levels and the rise of droughts is already having a serious impact on businesses. According to ABC, rising costs are inevitable, and that includes in traditionally water-rich areas such as Illinois, USA. Water can be lost through faulty plumbing, but also through business groundwork and premises. Too many non-water-retaining surfaces, such as asphalt, concrete and imitation lawns, can lead to water runoff, giving no benefit to the business and creating losses.

There is a clear business case for trying to trap this water. Studies have shown that huge savings can be made by installing infrastructure and policies that seek to retain water. Going in at the base level is a great place to start in generating real long-term savings.

Long-term impacts

Fighting water loss will also help to combat climate change, an area in which there is already untold damage being done to businesses. According to CNBC, the accumulated damage caused by climate change will cost businesses $2 trillion by the end of the century – every single year. This is a 7.1% loss in revenue in the USA alone. Businesses in less well protected areas of the world, especially around the equator, can stand to lose even more in the short term.

A proper climate change action policy is essential in getting involved in the fight against this, and that includes retaining as much water as possible – in the USA, and further afield, drought is already a major problem.

A sustainable generation

When it comes to business reputation, savvy owners know that it’s the opinion of their customers that really matters. The customer’s need trump everything else, and there’s a lot of evidence to back up just how much the customer really cares about the impact on the environment of the business they are purchasing from.

How is RO Water Harmful to Health

According to Forbes, 58% of consumers – all consumers, not just the typically more progressively-minded youth – will now pay more for products that come from companies with considerable green credentials. This is a massive opportunity for businesses to get ahead of competition and cement a long-term name in the industry.

As you can see, water saving policies aren’t only common sense – they’re a real action to take in the fight against climate change, and improving company profits. A business stands to benefit to a large degree from embracing pro-green policies.

Pelletization of Municipal Solid Waste

MSW is a poor-quality fuel and its pre-processing is necessary to improve its consistency, storage and handling characteristics, combustion behaviour and calorific value. Technological improvements are taking place in the realms of advanced source separation, resource recovery and production/utilisation of recovered fuel in both existing and new plants for this purpose. In recent years, there has been an increase in the pelletization of municipal solid wastes.


What is Pelletization of MSW?

Pelletization of municipal solid waste involves the processes of segregating, crushing, mixing high and low heat value combustible waste material and solidifying it to produce fuel pellets or briquettes, also referred to as Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF).

The process is essentially a method that condenses the waste or changes its physical form and enriches its organic content through removal of inorganic materials and moisture. The calorific value of RDF pellets can be around 4000 kcal/ kg depending upon the percentage of organic matter in the waste, additives and binder materials used in the process.

The calorific value of raw MSW is around 1000 kcal/kg while that of fuel pellets is 4000 kcal/kg. On an average, about 15–20 tons of fuel pellets can be produced after treatment of 100 tons of raw garbage. Since pelletization enriches the organic content of the waste through removal of inorganic materials and moisture, it can be very effective method for preparing an enriched fuel feed for other thermochemical processes like pyrolysis/ gasification, apart from incineration.

Production of MSW Pellets

RDF production line consists of several unit operations in series in order to separate unwanted components and condition the combustible matter to obtain the required characteristics.

The main unit operations are screening, shredding, size reduction, classification, separation either metal, glass or wet organic materials, drying and densification. These unit operations can be arranged in different sequences depending on raw MSW composition and the required RDF quality.

Various qualities of fuel pellets can be produced, depending on the needs of the user or market. A high quality of RDF would possess a higher value for the heating value, and lower values for moisture and ash contents. The quality of RDF is sufficient to warrant its consideration as a preferred type of fuel when solid waste is being considered for co-firing with coal or for firing alone in a boiler designed originally for firing coal.

Uses of MSW Pellets

MSW pellets can be used for heating plant boilers and for the generation of electricity. They can also act as a good substitute for coal and wood for domestic and industrial purposes. The important uses of RDF are found in the following spheres:

  • Cement kilns
  • RDF power plants
  • Coal-fired power plants
  • Industrial steam/heat boilers
  • Pellet stoves

The conversion of solid waste into fuel pellets provides an alternative means for environmentally safe disposal of garbage which is currently disposed off in non-sanitary landfills. In addition, the pelletization technology provides yet another source of renewable energy, similar to that of biomass, wind, solar and geothermal energy. The emission characteristics of RDF are superior compared to that of coal with fewer emissions of pollutants like NOx, SOx, CO and CO2.

Your Choices for Alternative Energy

While using alternative sources of energy is a right way for you to save money on your heating and cooling bills, it also allows you to contribute in vital ways to both the environment and the economy.  Renewable energy sources are renewable, environmentally sustainable sources that do not create any by-products that are released into the atmosphere like coal and fossil fuels do.

Burning coal to produce electricity releases particulates and substances such as mercury, arsenic, sulfur and carbon monoxide into the air, all of which can cause health problems in humans.

Other by-products from burning coal are acid rain, sludge run-off and heated water that is released back into the rivers and lakes nearby the coal-fired plants.  While efforts are being made to create “clean coal,” businesses have been reluctant to use the technology due to the high costs associated with changing their plants.

If you are considering taking the plunge and switching to a renewable energy source to save money on your electric and heating bills or to help the environment, you have a lot of decisions to make. The first decision you need to make is which energy source to use in your home or business.  Do you want to switch to solar energy, wind power, biomass energy or geothermal energy?

Emissions from homes using heating oil, vehicles, and electricity produced from fossil fuels also pollute the air and contribute to the number of greenhouse gases that are in the atmosphere and depleting the ozone layer.  Carbon dioxide is one of the gases that is released into the air by the burning of fossil fuels to create energy and in the use of motor vehicles.  Neither coal nor fossil fuels are sources of renewable energy.

Replacing those energy sources with solar, biomass, geothermal or wind-powered generators will allow homes and businesses to have an adequate source of energy always at hand.  While converting to these systems can sometimes be expensive, the costs are quickly coming down, and they pay for themselves in just a few short years because they supply energy that is virtually free.  In some cases, the excess energy they create can be bought from the business or the homeowner.

While there are more than these three alternative energy options, these are the easiest to implement on an individual basis.  Other sources of alternative energy, for instance, nuclear power, hydroelectric power, and natural gas require a primary power source for the heat so it can be fed to your home or business.  Solar, wind, biomass and geothermal energy can all have power sources in your home or business to supply your needs.

1. Solar Energy

Solar power is probably the most widely used source of these options.  While it can be expensive to convert your home or business over to solar energy, or to an alternative energy source for that matter, it is probably the most natural source to turn over to.

You can use the sun’s energy to power your home or business and heat water.  It can be used to passively heat or light up your rooms as well just by opening up your shades.

2. Wind Power

You need your wind turbine to power your home or office, but wind energy has been used for centuries to pump water or for commercial purposes, like grinding grain into flour.  While many countries have wind farms to produce energy on a full-scale basis, you can have your wind turbine at home or at your business to provide electricity for your purposes.

The cost of alternative energy systems has dropped sharply in recent years

3. Biomass Energy

Biomass energy has rapidly become a vital part of the global renewable energy mix and account for an ever-growing share of electric capacity added worldwide. Biomass is the material derived from plants that use sunlight to grow which include plant and animal material such as wood from forests, material left over from agricultural and forestry processes, and organic industrial, human and animal wastes.

Biomass comes from a variety of sources which include wood from natural forests and woodlands, agricultural residues, agro-industrial wastes, animal wastes, industrial wastewater, municipal sewage and municipal solid wastes.

4. Geothermal Energy

A geothermal heat pump helps cool or heat your home or office using the earth’s heat to provide the power needed to heat the liquid that is run through the system to either heat your home in the winter or cool it off in the summer.  While many people use it, it doesn’t provide electricity, so you still need an energy source for that.

Top 5 Most Popular Green Buildings In The World

The world is becoming more environmentally conscious today, and people are beginning to see the importance of sustainable living. One way this is being manifested is in the construction of green buildings. These structures are designed with the environment in mind, using materials and strategies that minimise their impact on the earth.

Here we will look at 5 of the most popular green buildings in the world!

empire state building

1. The Empire State Building, New York City

The Empire State Building is listed among the most popular green buildings in the world. The building is an icon of American architecture in New York City. It was the termed tallest building in the world after completion in 1931.

Today, this building remains one of the tallest skyscrapers in the United States. It remains one of the most known tourist destinations in New York City. I’m lucky to have been able to tour the building, even with my demanding school schedule. The fact that there are professional writers I can pay to do my homework for me is beneficial.

Interestingly, the building has an Observation Deck on the 86th floor. The Observation Deck offers visitors a panoramic view of New York City.

The Empire State Building houses several offices and businesses. The building has a total of 102 floors. This building is deemed one of the most popular green buildings in the world because of its sustainable design and operations. The building has a LEED Gold certification. The LEED Gold certification is given to establishments that meet strict environmental and energy efficiency standards.

The Empire State Building uses 25% less energy than a traditional office building of its size. The building also has water-saving fixtures, and recycled materials were used in its construction. In addition, the building has a roof garden that helps to insulate the building and reduce the heat island effect.

2. Taipei 101

Next on our list of famous green buildings is Taipei 101. Taipei 101 is located in Taipei, Taiwan. It is the tallest skyscraper in Taiwan and the second tallest building in the world until the completion of the famous Burj Khalifa in Dubai.

Taipei 101 is one of the world’s most famous green buildings for various reasons. First and foremost, the building was designed with sustainability in mind from the beginning. The architects took into account that Taipei is located in a subtropical climate, and they used that to their advantage by incorporating features like a double-skin façade and an atrium that help naturally ventilate the building.

As a result, Taipei 101 uses 30% less energy than a traditional skyscraper of its size. In addition, the building also has a rainwater harvesting system that recycles greywater for use in the toilets and landscaping.

Finally, Taipei 101 is home to an ample open space on its ground floor that serves as a public park – another rarity in a city where space is at a premium. All these factors combined make Taipei 101 one of the most popular green buildings in the world.

3. Hearst Tower, New York

Located in New York City, Hearst Tower is the headquarters of Hearst Corporation. The building was completed in 2006, and Norman Foster designed it.

Hearst Tower is one of the most popular green buildings in the world because it was one of the first skyscrapers to be certified by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).

The building features a rainwater harvesting system, which recycles water for use in the cooling towers. The building also has a double-skin façade, which helps to regulate temperatures inside the building.

What’s even more impressive is that the building was designed to use 30% less energy than a traditional skyscraper of its size.

4. The Crystal, London

The Crystal is located in London, and it is a sustainable development that focuses on urban living. The building was completed in 2012, and Grimshaw Architects designed it.

The Crystal has also been certified by LEED and features several sustainable design elements. For example, the building has solar panels, which provide power for the common areas of the building. There is also a green roof, which helps to insulate the building and reduce energy consumption.

most sustainable building in the world

In addition, the building has a rainwater harvesting system, which recycles water for use in the toilets and landscape irrigation.

5. Shanghai Tower

Last but not least is the Shanghai Tower, completed in 2015 and stands at a whopping 2073 feet (632 meters). The tower has several sustainable features, including rainwater harvesting, solar panels, and double-skin facades.

The Shanghai Tower is undoubtedly an impressive feat of engineering and a great example of what’s possible when it comes to green buildings.


The list mentioned above is endless when it comes to notable green buildings around the world. These are just some of the most popular ones that offer sustainable, eco-friendly design elements worth learning from!

Why You Should Buy a Home Weather Station

With the huge innovation and advancement in home technology, weather stations have become a popular purchase and are something that many homeowners are incorporating in their homes. There are numerous reasons why people are opting for these devices, and the huge array of options available, picking the right one is easier than ever as you can cut out a lot of the work by reading these reviews by Temperaturesensei.

Although there are many people who already have weather stations in their homes, there are still some who are uncertain about this technology and do not know whether they should incorporate it or not. In this post, we are going to discuss everything that you need to know about home weather stations, including the benefits.

What is a Weather Station

A weather station is a relatively small gadget that has various tools that enable it to discern the surrounding weather. It is equipped with an array of temperature monitors and sensors, which give you information about the climate around you and the environment that you might be in. Not long ago, this was technology that was primarily utilized in meteorological departments to gather weather data.

However, innovation in technology has led to the creation of smaller versions while maintaining the same functionality. These gadgets are designed to give localized information regarding the weather conditions around the house or nearby areas. They have proven to be pretty accurate and very efficient in proving the readings you want.

Applications of a Weather Station

These devices have an array of uses that have made them quite popular. Professionally, weather stations are utilized to garner data and provide weather information of a certain area. However, home weather stations take a more practical approach and provide information that you would need.

For instance, a home weather station can give you information on the temperature so that you can dress accordingly. If you’re planning a BBQ party on the weekend, you can use the device to know whether the weather will be conducive that day. There are numerous applications of these gadgets and all can help you be better prepared for any kind of weather condition.

Benefits of Home Weather Station

With the numerous uses of these devices, there are many benefits associated with them. If you are on the fence about purchasing one, then it would help to know the advantages of home weather stations.

1. Accurate Readings

Chances are the meteorological department is located far from your house. In such a case, the weather predictions you get may not be the most precise. That’s because the weather in that region may not be the same as where you reside. This is where home weather stations become more advantageous. These gadgets provide the exact details regarding the temperature of where you live. That’s because the readings are centered around your residence.

2. Real-Time Data

This is probably the reason why most people are opting for the home weather station. The ability to get real-time information makes this device worth the purchase. In the past, people used to rely on weather reports on the news for predictions or reports from the meteorological departments. Well, you no longer have to depend on these sources and get your own precise data on the weather much faster, thus allowing to make plans in a more convenient manner.

3. Real-Time Alerts

The weather changes every time and it can take an unexpected turn that’s not ideal, especially in regions that are prone to hurricanes and storms. Owning a weather station can help you and your loved ones in such situations, stay safe when weather changes are detected. With real-time data and alerts, you will be informed about the weather all the time, thus helping you stay safer.

4. Share Data

Home weather stations can ideally run on multiple devices simultaneously, meaning every family member can be able to use them. This makes it easy to share information regarding weather conditions, thus helping everyone stay up to date and prepared. This is again extremely helpful in regions that experience harsh weather conditions and need to warn each other.

5. Ease of Use

Home weather stations are designed with ease of use and efficiency in mind. They are meant to provide precise weather information in a simple way. If you’re looking for a gadget that’s easy to read and does not bombard you with jargon, then a home weather station is the answer. It is a simple and efficient gadget that’s easy to use even for older people. It is also easy to install, which adds to the advantages.

6. Creates a Smarter Home

Smart homes are the in thing today. Installing a home weather station is certainly a great way to make your home more efficient. The devices were designed with the needs of people who need instant information about the weather in mind and they do a great job at satisfying those needs. If you are looking to create a smarter home that will be efficient for years to come, then this something that you should incorporate today.

7. Precise Forecasting

Knowing the current weather conditions around your residence is just not enough. There are times when you want to know about the weather forecast for the next several days. Well, these gadgets are designed to deliver just that. A weather station can help you prepare better for the weather in the next few days and help you plan your activities better.

8. Helps in Home Maintenance

Protecting your home from weather damage is imperative, particularly if you reside in places that experience drastic weather changes and harsh conditions. Heat, rain and snow can cause substantial damage to your home, causing you to spend thousands of dollars on repairs and replacements. A simple weather station can help you better maintain your house throughout the seasons and even safeguard your house from weather damage.

Tips for Buying a Home Weather Station

To enjoy the benefits of a home weather station, you need to choose the right device. When it comes to picking one, there are two primary things to consider; the sensors and the price.

When purchasing a home weather station, do not lean towards the cheapest in order to save a little money. The more you spend on a device, the more reliable and accurate it will be. Cheaper models are less precise with data, and this defeats the purpose of owning one.

An ideal weather station should have a thermometer for temperature measurement, a barometer for atmospheric pressure, anemometer for wind speed and direction, humidity sensor for humidity levels and rain gauge for rainfall and precipitation.

Biomass Energy in Vietnam

Vietnam is one of the few countries having a low level of energy consumption in the developing world with an estimated amount of 210 kg of oil equivalent per capita/year. A significant portion of the Vietnamese population does not have access to electricity. Vietnam is facing the difficult challenge of maintaining this growth in a sustainable manner, with no or minimal adverse impacts on society and the environment.

Being an agricultural country, Vietnam has very good biomass energy potential. Agricultural wastes are most abundant in the Mekong Delta region with approximately 50% of the amount of the whole country and Red River Delta with 15%. Major biomass resources includes rice husk from paddy milling stations, bagasse from sugar factories, coffee husk from coffee processing plants in the Central Highlands and wood chip from wood processing industries. Vietnam has set a target of having a combined capacity of 500 MW of biomass power by 2020, which is raised to 2,000 MW in 2030.

Rice husk and bagasse are the biomass resources with the greatest economic potential, estimated at 50 MW and 150 MW respectively. Biomass fuels sources that can also be developed include forest wood, rubber wood, logging residues, saw mill residues, sugar cane residues, bagasse, coffee husk and coconut residues.

Currently biomass is generally treated as a non-commercial energy source, and collected and used locally. Nearly 40 bagasse-based biomass power plants have been developed with a total designed capacity of 150 MW but they are still unable to connect with the national grid due to current low power prices. Five cogeneration systems selling extra electricity to national grid at average price of 4 US cents/kWh.

Biogas potential is approximately 10 billion m3/year, which can be collected from landfills, animal excrements, agricultural residues, industrial wastewater etc. The biogas potential in the country is large due to livestock population of more than 30 million, mostly pigs, cattle, and water buffalo. Although most livestock dung already is used in feeding fish and fertilizing fields and gardens, there is potential for higher-value utilization through biogas production.

It is estimated that more than 25,000 household biogas digesters with 1 to 50 m3, have been installed in rural areas. The Dutch-funded Biogas Program operated by SNV Vietnam constructed some 18,000 biogas facilities in 12 provinces between 2003 and 2005, with a second phase (2007-2010) target of 150,000 biogas tanks in both rural and semi-urban settings.

Municipal solid waste is also a good biomass resource as the amount of solid waste generated in Vietnam has been increasing steadily over the last few decades. In 1996, the average amount of waste produced per year was 5.9 million tons per annum which rose to 28 million tons per in 2008 and expected to reach 44 million tons per year by 2015.

Hair Extensions: Your Hair, But Better!

Hair extensions have become a popular way to make your hair longer and fuller. Many stylists use this solution to create seamless, and gorgeous hairstyles for many occasions. Check out the ultimate guide to hair extensions!

most popular hair extension methods

What are the most popular hair extension methods?

Hair extensions should be tailored to your needs, hair condition, color, lifestyle, and budget. You may choose from many different methods. What are the best methods of hair extension?

1. Tape-in

It’s one of the safest hair extension methods. The biggest advantage of tape hair extensions is that the tapes are reusable. The result is very natural and lasts between 6-8 weeks, and the application lasts about 30 min.

2. Hand-tied

The hand-tied method is recommended for thick hair. It includes multiple rows of wefts, which are sewn to the attachment points. This method is natural-looking and comfortable. You can wash them, as well as blowdry, and style them. The move-up appointment should be held every 4-8 weeks.

3. Clip in

Clip-ins are a great solution for those, who don’t want to wear extensions on a regular basis. It can be taken in and out without a visit to a hair salon. This method is very comfortable and versatile. You can use the extensions multiple times, wash them, and style them.

4. Cold fusion

It’s a method that uses small cylinders to pull a small section of hair through. The hair extended using this method looks natural, but it’s mostly recommended for strong, thick hair. The application doesn’t require any glue or heat. The application lasts from 4 to even 6 hours.

How to choose the best hair extensions?

You can search for extensions in the professional online shop, so you can adjust them to your hair color, and length. When choosing the perfect method, first you need to decide whether you look for a permanent or temporary effect. To perfectly blend in with your hair, make sure you buy extensions that are similar to your hair texture and color. A good online store gives you a wide choice of straight, wavy, or curly extensions.

Your new extensions should be the same color as your natural hair. In a great quality store, most colors are available – white, black, blonde, brown, or even red. Then, you need to choose your new length. It depends mostly on your height, but the most popular are 20in hair extensions that hit the lower back.

Don’t forget the quality. Choose good quality hair that you can wash, style, and blow dry. Add the chosen hair extensions’ weight to your cart, order using your computer or mobile device, and enjoy your better, beautiful hair!

Everything You Need to Know About Biomass Energy Systems

Biomass is a versatile energy source that can be used for production of heat, power, transport fuels and biomaterials, apart from making a significant contribution to climate change mitigation. Currently, biomass-driven combined heat and power, co-firing, and combustion plants provide reliable, efficient, and clean power and heat.

Feedstock for biomass energy plants can include residues from agriculture, forestry, wood processing, and food processing industries, municipal solid wastes, industrial wastes and biomass produced from degraded and marginal lands.


The terms biomass energy, bioenergy and biofuels cover any energy products derived from plant or animal or organic material. The increasing interest in biomass energy and biofuels has been the result of the following associated benefits:

  • Potential to reduce GHG emissions.
  • Energy security benefits.
  • Substitution for diminishing global oil supplies.
  • Potential impacts on waste management strategy.
  • Capacity to convert a wide variety of wastes into clean energy.
  • Technological advancement in thermal and biochemical processes for waste-to-energy transformation.

Biomass can play the pivotal role in production of carbon-neutral fuels of high quality as well as providing feedstock for various industries. This is a unique property of biomass compared to other renewable energies and which makes biomass a prime alternative to the use of fossil fuels. Performance of biomass-based systems for heat and power generation has been already proved in many situations on commercial as well as domestic scales.

Biomass energy systems have the potential to address many environmental issues, especially global warming and greenhouse gases emissions, and foster sustainable development among poor communities. Biomass fuel sources are readily available in rural and urban areas of all countries. Biomass-based industries can provide appreciable employment opportunities and promote biomass re-growth through sustainable land management practices.

The negative aspects of traditional biomass utilization in developing countries can be mitigated by promotion of modern biomass-to-energy technologies which provide solid, liquid and gaseous fuels as well as electricity as shown. Biomass wastes can be transformed into clean and efficient energy by biochemical as well as thermochemical technologies.

The most common technique for producing both heat and electrical energy from biomass wastes is direct combustion. Thermal efficiencies as high as 80 – 90% can be achieved by advanced gasification technology with greatly reduced atmospheric emissions. Combined heat and power (CHP) systems, ranging from small-scale technology to large grid-connected facilities, provide significantly higher efficiencies than systems that only generate electricity.

Biochemical processes, like anaerobic digestion and sanitary landfills, can also produce clean energy in the form of biogas and producer gas which can be converted to power and heat using a gas engine.

In addition, biomass wastes can also yield liquid fuels, such as cellulosic ethanol, which can be used to replace petroleum-based fuels. Cellulosic ethanol can be produced from grasses, wood chips and agricultural residues by biochemical route using heat, pressure, chemicals and enzymes to unlock the sugars in lignocellulosic biomass. Algal biomass is also emerging as a good source of energy because it can serve as natural source of oil, which conventional refineries can transform into jet fuel or diesel fuel.

Biological Desulphurization of Biogas

The most valuable component of biogas is methane (CH4) which typically makes up 60%, with the balance being carbon dioxide (CO2) and small percentages of other gases. However, biogas also contain significant amount of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas which needs to be stripped off due to its highly corrosive nature. Hydrogen sulfide is oxidized into sulfur dioxide which dissolves as sulfuric acid. Sulphuric acid, even in trace amounts, can make a solution extremely acidic. Extremely acidic electrolytes dissolve metals rapidly and speed up the corrosion process.

The corrosive nature of H2S has the potential to destroy expensive biogas processing equipment. Even if there is no oxygen present, biogas can corrode metal. Hydrogen sulphide can become its own electrolyte and absorb directly onto the metal to form corrosion. If the hydrogen sulphide concentration is very low, the corrosion will be slow but will still occur due to the presence of carbon dioxide.


The obvious solution is the use of a biogas cleanup process whereby contaminants in the raw biogas stream are absorbed or scrubbed. Desulphurization of biogas can be performed by biological as well as chemical methods. Biological treatment of hydrogen sulphide typically involves passing the biogas through biologically active media. These treatments may include open bed soil filters, biofilters, fixed film bioscrubbers, suspended growth bioscrubbers and fluidized bed bioreactors.

Biological Desulphurization

The simplest method of desulphurization is the addition of oxygen or air directly into the digester or in a storage tank serving at the same time as gas holder. Thiobacilli are ubiquitous and thus systems do not require inoculation. They grow on the surface of the digestate, which offers the necessary micro-aerophilic surface and at the same time the necessary nutrients. They form yellow clusters of sulphur. Depending on the temperature, the reaction time, the amount and place of the air added the hydrogen sulphide concentration can be reduced by 95 % to less than 50 ppm.

Most of the sulphide oxidising micro-organisms belong to the family of Thiobacillus. For the microbiological oxidation of sulphide it is essential to add stoichiometric amounts of oxygen to the biogas. Depending on the concentration of hydrogen sulphide this corresponds to 2 to 6 % air in biogas. Measures of safety have to be taken to avoid overdosing of air in case of pump failures.


Biofiltration is one of the most promising clean technologies for reducing emissions of malodorous gases and other pollutants into the atmosphere. In a biofiltration system, the gas stream is passed through a packed bed on which pollutant-degrading microbes are immobilized as biofilm. A biological filter combines water scrubbing and biological desulfurization.

Biogas and the separated digestate meet in a counter-current flow in a filter bed. The biogas is mixed with 4% to 6% air before entry into the filter bed. The filter media offer the required surface area for scrubbing, as well as for the attachment of the desulphurizing microorganisms. Microorganisms in the biofilm convert the absorbed H2S into elemental sulphur by metabolic activity. Oxygen is the key parameter that controls the level of oxidation.

The capital costs for biological treatment of biogas are moderate and operational costs are low. This technology is widely available worldwide. However, it may be noted that the biological system is capable to remove even very high amounts of hydrogen sulphide from the biogas but its adaptability to fluctuating hydrogen sulphide contents is not yet proven.