5 Ways You Can Protect the Environment as a Student

In today’s world, where environmental concerns like climate change and pollution are at the forefront of global discussions, it’s crucial for individuals, including students, to take actionable steps toward protecting our planet. Students, in particular, have a unique position in society – they are learners, future leaders, and influencers. Here are five practical ways students can contribute to environmental conservation and inspire others to do the same.

environmental conservation for students

1. Embrace a Sustainable Commute

One significant way students can protect the environment is by rethinking their daily commute. Opting for greener modes of transportation such as walking, biking, carpooling, or using public transport can drastically reduce carbon emissions and decrease the ecological footprint. Walking or biking, for instance, conserves energy, reduces pollution, and promotes physical health. Public transport is more eco-friendly for longer distances than personal vehicles.

By making conscious choices about how to get to school or college, students can play a crucial role in mitigating air pollution and contributing to cleaner, healthier air in their communities.

Many learners have numerous assignments on their hands, preventing them from adopting various practices to protect the environment. This is where a uk custom essay writing service can come in handy. Outsourcing some of your assignments allows you to free your schedule and spend adequate time incorporating effective environmental solutions.

2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The “reduce, reuse, recycle” mantra is more relevant than ever in our consumer-driven society. Students can lead by example by minimizing waste, reusing products, and recycling materials. Start by reducing consumption – ask yourself if you need that new item or if there’s a way to use what you already have.

Embrace digital note-taking and textbooks to cut down on paper usage. Opt for products with minimal packaging, and always carry a reusable bag, water bottle, and coffee cup. Participate in or organize recycling drives in your school or community to ensure that recyclable materials don’t end up in landfills, contributing to pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

3. Support and Promote Sustainable Practices on Campus

Students can be powerful advocates for sustainability within their educational institutions. Join or start a green club to promote environmental awareness and initiatives such as campus cleanups, tree planting, or establishing a community garden.

Advocate for using renewable energy sources for campus facilities, and encourage the administration to adopt sustainable policies, including waste reduction and recycling programs. By mobilizing fellow students and working together, you can create a more sustainable campus environment that sets a precedent for other institutions.

4. Educate Yourself and Others

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to environmental protection. Take the time to educate yourself about our planet’s challenges, including climate change, deforestation, and biodiversity loss. This knowledge will empower you to make informed decisions and take effective action.

Share what you learn with others through social media, blogs, school projects, or casual conversations. Raising awareness and spreading knowledge can inspire your peers and community members to take steps toward environmental conservation.

5. Volunteer for Environmental Causes

Active engagement in environmental causes can make a tangible difference. Look for project opportunities to volunteer with local environmental organizations and participate in reforestation projects, beach cleanups, or wildlife conservation efforts. These activities contribute directly to environmental protection and provide valuable hands-on experience and the chance to connect with like-minded individuals. Volunteering can be a powerful way to demonstrate your commitment to the environment and inspire others to take action.

Summing Up

As students, you have the energy, passion, and potential to impact environmental conservation significantly. By adopting sustainable habits and advocating for change within your communities and institutions, you can contribute to protecting our planet

Tips on Writing a Research Paper on Solar Energy

The share of energy received from the Sun is steadily increasing every year. Last year, the global solar market increased by 26%. According to forecasts, in 2018 for the first time, the mark of 100 gigawatts of new installed capacity per year will be passed all over the world. Writing a research paper on solar energy is not an easy assignment, as you will have to deal with lot’s of statistics, results of experiments, and, surprisingly, sociology — the usage of alternative sources of energy are strongly connected with the social issues and moods. In this article, you’ll receive some tips on how to write a research paper on solar energy and impress your professor.

We are sure you know how to structure a research paper, and you won’t forget about an engaging thesis (problem) statement. Our tips will cover the latest trends you should mention and the discussions related to the usage of solar energy, pros, cons and exciting facts.

Pay Attention to the Latest Trends

EssayWritingService has identified several trends in the solar energy market in the near future. Read on to know more:

  • An increasing number of countries are developing solar energy projects at the national level. In 2016, there were 32 such countries, at the end of last year already 53. Tenders for the development of solar energy are planned in 23 countries.
  • In the United States in the next 4 years, the number of states installing more than 1 gigawatt will reach 18. They will account for 80% of all US photovoltaic plants.
  • Reducing the cost of solar energy can be achieved through the use of more powerful modules, which will reduce the proportion of equipment and maintenance costs.
  • The role of electronics operating at the level of a single photovoltaic panel will grow. Now micro-inventors and current converters for one module are not used very widely.
  • Prices for stationary solar systems in the world are falling, but in the USA they remain at the same level (the cost of watts of power for US home systems is the highest in the world). The price for a “sunny” watt from state to state can vary by 68 cents, and companies will have to look for ways to reduce production costs.

Talk about the Future

Naturally, interest in renewable energy sources will continue to grow. The year 2050 will be the point of no return – it is by this time that most countries will completely switch to clean energy. And in 2018 serious steps will be made in this direction.

The first to be hit will be coal power plants in Europe. To date, 54% of them are not profitable, and there are only for the sake of peak load. In 2018, Finland will ban the use of coal to generate electricity and increase the tax on carbon dioxide emissions. By 2030, the country plans to abandon this fuel completely.

The Indian coal mining company Coal India also plans to close 37 coal mines in March 2018 – their development has become uneconomical due to the growth of renewable energy. The company will save about $ 124 million on this, after which it will switch to solar power and install at least 1 GW of new solar capacity in India.

Don’t Focus Solely on Content

It is a no-brainer that the content of your research paper is the most essential part of your work. However, if you forget about formatting, citations, plagiarism, using valid academic sources, etc., your research paper can fail despite having an amazing thesis statement or the project idea. https://plagiarismdetector.net/ can help in detecting plagiarized content.

When you start doing research, note down every link you use or want to use, every quote you like, every piece of statistical information. At first, it seems very dull and unnecessary — you think you can find this information at any moment. However, days pass, and you fail to make proper references, which can be a reason of being accused of plagiarism. Proofread your research paper several times, use online sources to check grammar and spelling, don’t forget about plagiarism checkers to stay on the safe side.

If you find out that writing a proper research paper on solar energy is too complicated for you now, or you don’t have enough time energy to deal with it, it is a wise choice to get affordable research paper writing by experts who can help you immediately with your assignment. When writing a research paper on solar energy don’t forget to check on the latest numbers and analytical data worldwide. Good luck!

The Benefits of Indoor Plants and How to Keep Them Fresh

Having a natural ambiance around your house and workplace is not only aesthetically pleasing but has also proven to increase productivity and positively impact mood and behavior. No doubt that indoor plants trigger a feeling of happiness from inside. Setting up foliage in your environment reduces anxiety and stress since interaction with nature improves self-being.


Many studies and researches have proved promising impacts of having greenery in your surroundings. Here are but a few of the benefits of indoor plants:

1. Increased healing period

People are arranging more and more planters in hospitals, workplaces, and homes. Be it outdoor or indoor plants, they all contribute to making the environment a better place to breathe and survive. Furthermore, being surrounded by plants and flowers has proven to be an effective method of lowering blood pressure, reducing stress, improving sleep cycles, boosting immunity, and uplifting mood.

2. Enhanced energy and performance

Happiness leads to success and great performance in overall life. Giving a natural touch to your environment energizes and soothes the soul inside out. Incorporate a wide range of planters indoors and outdoors to naturally stimulate an active and refreshed mood.

3. Plants absorb noise

Did you know that big trees absorb the noise in highly populated and activated areas? Yes, plants, trees, foliage, and vegetation all act in part as sound absorbers. This is why in areas with generally a lot of greenery (such as suburbs) you are likely to hear a lot less noise. The same principle applies to indoor plants. They soak up sound making for a quiet, relaxed, and serene indoor atmosphere.

4. Greenery relaxes you

Connecting with nature is always an effective way to relax and unwind. No matter if it is sitting by the beach watching the waves crashing into the rocks, or feeling the fresh morning air blowing across your hair, being close to nature is just calming. This biophilic interaction relaxes the soul, body, and mind.

5. Improves focus leading to better memory

Isn’t it amazing to know that plants enable enhanced focus, concentration, and memory retention? Studies show that the arrangement of flowers and plants indoors has significantly improved the productivity of tasks at home and workplaces. Having a close connection with nature not only helps concentrate on the task but also improves the quality of the work. It is highly beneficial to include plants in your surroundings for improved cognitive skills and performance.

How to Take Care of Indoor Plants?

Taking care of plants is easier said than done. It is not enough to simply water them and provide them with sunlight. The right combination of the two is essential in order for a plant to grow and too much or too little of either water or sunlight can quickly see a plant wither and die.

Growing plants indoors requires an immense amount of love and sincere hard work. But what if you don’t have the time and energy to take care of indoor plants. Maybe you have a busy schedule or just don’t have much experience with gardening. What do you do then?


Well, luckily for you, there are many tools available that allow one to grow plants indoors in a manner that is easy, convenient, and effective.

Here a few tips and tricks to make sure your indoor plants flourish and thrive.

  • Pick the right type of plant that best suits the location and environment. Humidity, temperature, and other external factors such as air quality, etc. can all impact the growth of indoor plants.
  • Make sure you water the plants regularly but never too much at once. Excess water is just as harmful as no water as if the soil gets too wet the plant is unable to get the oxygen it needs from the roots in order to grow and will wither and die. To make sure your plants get the right amount of water at the right time use a self-watering planter. See the best self watering planters here and choose one that best fits your indoor or outdoor gardening needs. This tool will help make your gardening tasks a lot easier and a lot less time-consuming.
  • Fertile soil is extremely essential. Add in compost and fertilizers to provide the plant with the nutrient it needs in order to grow.
  • Take care of cleanliness. Prune leaves and branches to give the plant shape.
  • Keep away pesticides and insecticides and allow benefiting insects to make the soil fertile.

3 Ways to Refresh Your Home in the New Year

You’ve most likely set personal goals for the new year, but have you considered how your personal space can impact your progress?  A clean, healthy, and peaceful home base is necessary for incubating new habits or commitments.

Read on for some ideas on how to spruce up your home and give yourself a better chance of meeting your goals this month.

ways to refresh your home

1. Reset with a Deep Clean

Deep cleaning is traditionally reserved for the spring, but a professional cleaning will keep you and your family safe and healthy all winter long. So before you settle into your home, search for a “Deep Cleaning Service Near Me” and find a company that will protect everyone in your home.

Disinfecting surfaces is an effective method of disinfecting indoor spaces. However, cleaning companies are experts in finding the often overlooked parts of your home that could use the disinfecting power of a professional.

Not only will this help to improve the appearance of your home, but it will also get rid of all the extra dirt and dust hiding in your home’s crevices, as well as the germs that make you susceptible to illness.

2. Bring in Plant Life

Gardening and having plants in your home don’t just have to be for aesthetics. Gardening is a great way to get some exercise and fresh air while enjoying nature’s benefits.

Working with plants can be therapeutic, and studies have shown that it can also help with concentration. If you work from home, you may notice that having plants near your desk increases productivity and creativity. This may be due to how calm we feel when in the presence of nature — even nature that is brought into our homes.


Plants help improve indoor air quality by emitting oxygen and absorbing harmful toxins. They can also attract beneficial insects that prey on common pests like mosquitoes. Overall, it makes your home a healthier place.

If you already have plants in your home, you’re ahead of the game! If not, try introducing some plant life to help refresh your home and support your goals for the new year.

3. Update your Lightbulbs

How often have you struggled to find the perfect lighting in your house? Whether it’s for Zoom calls or a relaxing meal, getting the proper lighting can instantly improve your living experience and even your mood. It can also help reduce your electricity bills and your carbon footprint.

There are plenty of great options for finding ways to improve your home’s lighting, including smart light bulbs and LED lights.

energy efficient home

With multicolored Wi-Fi-enabled bulbs, smart lightbulbs can easily change hues and mood. You can even have customized lighting on a timer! These smart LED bulbs are also voice-activated and can be controlled via an app, making it easy to ensure that the lights are turned off when you leave the house.

Regular LEDs will do just the trick if you aren’t ready to convert to WiFi light bulbs. They not only last longer than standard lightbulbs and help you save money on your electricity bill, but they also benefit the environment. You will use less electricity as a result of their efficiency. You’ll also be lowering your carbon footprint because replacing bulbs less frequently means less waste and fewer light bulbs used over time.

When something as simple as changing your lightbulbs helps not only you but the environment as well, it makes it quite a no-brainer.

Take on the New Year

Keeping your home clean, healthy, and peaceful is essential in accomplishing your goals in the new year. Whether it’s a professional deep cleaning, introducing plant life, or replacing old light bulbs, give yourself every opportunity to have your best year yet.

Why it is Important to Recycle Used Filters and Oil

Illegally or inappropriately disposed of used motor oil can have a grievous impact on the environment. Studies conducted indicate that a single gallon of used oil can pollute up to a million gallons of water. Used oil filters are made of steel which means they can be recycled. In some developed countries, they are the most recycled materials and dumping them in landfills is illegal in other countries, while some have stringent laws that define how they should be disposed of.

Regulatory organizations such as the environmental protection agency reiterate that used oil filters should only be recycled or disposed of once all the free flowing oil has been drained. Presently, oil filters manufactured in the United States are not subject to dangerous waste regulation provided the filter is:

  • Hot drained then crushed
  • Broken through the anti drain valve or the dome and hot drained
  • Hot drained then dismantled

Hot draining is the process of draining the oil filter near or at engine operating temperature above 60ºF. Basically, the filter is either crushed or punctured while still warm in order to clear any surplus oil. The environmental protection agency recommends hot draining for up to 12 hours.

While lubricating oil hardly wears out, it gets dirty. Foreign bodies such as chemicals, water, dirt or even metal scrapings can mix with it and lower its performance capability. Contaminated oil should be replaced either with re-refined or virgin oil in order to execute its job appropriately.

The contaminated oil can be taken through used oil recycling procedures with studies indicating that approximately 380 million gallons of contaminated oil are recycled annually. Recycled oil is often taken through immense re-refining to eliminate all the impurities in order to produce pure oil.

The end product referred to as re-refined oil should fit similar rigorous compounding, refining, and performance principles as pure motor oil. Re-refining is an environmentally and energy valuable method of managing used motor oil. Producing a gallon or re-refined base stock requires less energy that producing crude oil base stock.

Advantages of Recycling Used Filters and Oil

Oil re-refining helps reduce heavy metal emissions and greenhouse gases as opposed to combusting it as fuel. Re-refining is an ideal way of managing used motor oil, it is environmentally friendly, and converts used oil into a renewable resource. Re-refining used motor oil reduces a nation’s reliance on foreign crude oil.

Used motor oil filters contain oil at the time of disposal. Having the ideal recycling company recover them ensures that the oil is recovered and re-refined. This also helps safeguard landfill space.

Collection of Materials

The manufacturers of oil tanks and filters are responsible for the materials. Many times, they provide big containers for disposing of the used filters especially in large volume shops. Recycling companies however can provide bins or drums for used filters while the shops provide waste oil storage facilities.

While used oil tanks will not be replaced when service providers are changed, shop managers must analyze the state of their used oil storage facilities to rule out spillage or loss when oil is transferred to an oil truck.

If need be, many recycling companies can also provide storage facilities. Used oil filters do not necessarily have to be crushed or drained before being recycled provided they are kept in a bin or drum.

What Next?

Oil filters are broken down into small fragments while the metals are removed and sold as scrap. Eventually, they are used to manufacture various products such as manhole covers and rebar. The contaminated oil is sold recycling companies. A huge percentage of the used oil is refined, drained, and used as an energy alternative to natural gas while the remaining percent is processed into hydraulic oil.


Used oil can be detrimental to water bodies and the environment in general. Companies should incorporate stringent recycling strategies for both used oil and filters to protect the environment and conserve space in landfills.

How to Select an Organic Food Wholesale Supplier?

The organic food sector accounts for an increasing share of industrial food production year by year. For this reason, obtaining high-quality ingredients, of reliable and confirmed origin, in appropriate quantities is becoming an increasing problem. Organic food wholesale suppliers are difficult to find – many manufacturers of this type of ingredients are small farms that independently cannot provide their goods in bulk to meet the needs of the food industry on a mass scale. What should you pay attention to when signing a contract with a supplier to ensure stable long-term cooperation?

organic food wholesale supplier

How to select an organic food wholesale supplier?

The basic issue when starting cooperation is to establish standards for quality control. To ensure the highest purity of ingredients, analyzes should be carried out in accredited laboratories for each batch of goods. Unfortunately, there are organic food wholesale suppliers on the market who avoid third party auditors – this is one of the red flags that should make you consider continuing cooperation. Please remember that a reliable partner will not create obstacles if you want to test the delivered goods yourself to confirm its organic origin. Unfortunately, even having official certification will not always guarantee appropriate quality, so additional verification will be advisable, especially at the beginning of cooperation.

Another issue is the ability to ensure on-time deliveries. The stability of the logistics network is a key factor for all entrepreneurs in the food sector, where goods stored in warehouses quickly expire or lose their nutritional value. Many organic food wholesale suppliers cooperate with foreign companies, which makes the supply chain longer due to the distance between the producer and the recipient of the ingredients. Of course, there is no problem with this, as long as the delivery is carried out within the declared deadlines. When signing a contract with your partner, make sure that he is able to fulfill his declarations regarding supply flexibility.

growth of organic food industry

Pay attention to the product range

A common mistake when choosing a supplier is to focus only on your current needs. Even if you currently only use buckwheat in your production process, it is worth considering that in the near future you may also need millet. Some organic food wholesale suppliers focus on a very narrow range of ingredients, so if you plan to expand and develop, it is better to look for a partner with a wider offer at your disposal.

In some cases, it is worth choosing the possibility of working with a wider range of products, even at the expense of price. Cooperation with one supplier providing several types of products within one delivery often turns out to be more convenient than making appointments with several different companies at the same time. The largest organic food wholesale suppliers on the market are able to independently provide a full range of products from various manufacturers – peas, seeds, kernels, and even organic pseudocereal flours, ready for use in gluten-free products.

Landfill Liners and Alternative Daily Cover

The old garbage dumps of days gone by are no more. Today’s waste disposal solutions are increasingly sophisticated. Environmental regulation, recycling, and the development of plastics – of all things – have contributed to far more tightly managed landfills, with goals inching towards zero waste.

Garbage dumps used to be large holes, usually on the edge of town, where garbage could be buried. While this was an improvement on how people have historically dealt with their trash – by throwing it out the window, into rivers and fields, or alongside the road – it was still a health hazard, an increasingly offensive thing as populations grew, and an environmental burden.


In the United States, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, passed by the US Congress in 1976, changed how garbage is processed, managed and stored. The garbage dumps of the past were simply places where garbage was buried. Today’s landfills are much more complexly engineered sites.

They are extensively planned locations that are constantly monitored. This move toward increasingly more environmentally sound methods has also increased the efficiency of these sites. Before selecting a site for a landfill, city planners must work with engineers to determine what the effects a landfill will have in the long term.

An additional safety measure came when the EPA examined using alternative materials for landfill “daily cover”. Landfills are required to be covered at the end of each working day, and the original method was to use a layer of soil. This was obviously wasteful of resources, and used up the landfill quickly.

Since the EPA report in 1993, landfills and state regulations have increasingly adopted alternative daily cover (ADC), typically turning to geosynthetic materials such as polyethylene and PVC, which work well both to contain and to filter, and can be manufactured in very large and custom-fitting sheets.

Geomembranes and geotextiles (the “geo” part simply means working with the land) had already been used as part of the liner underneath the landfill. It now became possible to use them as the top cover also.

Landfill Bottom Liners and Top Covers

One of the biggest issues surrounding landfills is their impact on the environment, particularly the potential of contaminants reaching the groundwater supply. To prevent this, a bottom liner is used. While it is well known that placing large qualities of garbage in one location can have long lasting consequence, scientists and engineers continue to work toward better solutions that are more environmentally friendly.

The EPA constantly works to regulate how landfills are designed and managed so that any new discoveries of more environmentally friendly methods can be incorporated quickly. Currently for landfill liners, it requires multiple layers of materials be used for landfills.

The underlying liner of new landfill sites will often consist of a soil or clay layer combined with a geotextile – a synthetic permeable membrane that screens solids out from the ever-present liquid descending from the trash, the “leachate”. This liquid is a severe pollutant and is contained and directed to a treatment process by yet another geosynthetic layer, this one impermeable. And underneath this layer will often be another impermeable layer of dense clay.

Landfill daily cover used to be almost as elaborate, taking 6 inches of soil or clay for each day’s landfill cap. With the continued improvement of geosynthetic materials, these over-engineered solutions can be replaced by a more plastic material. Landfill covers made of a synthetic reinforced polyethylene can create greater safety for the environment, combined with being easier to use, and less costly than other alternative daily covers. They can also be re-used.

Daily cover must contain gasses generated by the garbage, control odor and dust, minimize windblown litter, discourage birds, and prevent pests and the spread of disease. Geomembranes do all these things very well, as well as reducing fire risk, improving community tolerance of the landfill, and most importantly, shedding surface water efficiently – thus avoiding adding to the leachate.

The light yet tear-resistant qualities of geosynthetic materials make them easy for operators to install. To further reduce the risk of tears or holes, manufacturers can create the liner in very large or even one piece to fit the landfill size.

The benefit of using this type of cover is that it reusable. This saves cities a lot of money. Also, because operators don’t have to add additional materials to landfill, the lifespan of the site is extended. The combination of a good landfill liner and an alternative daily cover significantly decreases the long term impact the landfill has on the environment.

The federal government provides oversight of landfill operations to ensure that improvements are made Landfilthat make them more environmentally friendly. This involves tracking recycling and composting efforts. Both government and operators are also exploring ways of generating energy from waste processes.

The United States generates 262.4 metric tons of solid waste each year. That number has grown each year – but efforts in recycling and composting have caused it to plateau, and since 2005, the growth has been minimal.

Bottom Line

Landfills are becoming better about preserving the environment. Their efforts, coupled with increased recycling efforts, are improving how waste is managed in the United States. The development of synthetic materials for landfill liners and alternative daily cover has significantly advanced the design and management of landfills.

What is Revegetation and Why is it Important?

Revegetation is a vital step in facilitating a successful soil restoration in disturbed lands. It can occur naturally through plant succession and colonization or accelerated human-driven land changes meant to repair damage caused by severe events like floods, wildfire, or mining. The original technique involved applying fertilizer and seeds to vulnerable lands.

For those unfamiliar with revegetation, you’ll want to review its benefits to prevent soil erosion successfully, reduce wind erosion, and boost soil’s ability to soak up water that runs off the surface. Without employing revegetation-based erosion control strategies, plant communities and delicate habitats may sustain avoidable damage.


Benefits of revegetation

Unlike the normal tree planting process, revegetation requires pre-planning activities like land designing. In the designing phase, you’ll outline which type of plants to use in specific areas and perform soil compatibility studies. Proper environmental and landscape analysis are the key to successful revegetation. Proper planning ensures that you allocate money and resources wisely and fare a better chance of achieving your goals and earning a profit.

Some native plants can only grow in specific areas, so it’s essential to identify which plant types can endure your region’s climate. Homeowners complete the revegetation process for various reasons, including its ability to benefit governments, private individuals, communities, and companies, alike.

If you need a solid Colorado seed company that provides conservation and reclamation seeds, check out Granite Seed; they’ve been implementing soil erosion control measures and distributing products across North America for more than 30 years. For optimal results, consult the professionals.

Soil erosion control

Revegetation is crucial, as the risk of erosion damage increases when the land is bare or contains little vegetation cover. Plants offer a protective barrier and prevent soil erosion by slowing down water runoff and encouraging more water to seep into the ground. Additionally, the roots hold the soil intact while protecting the plant itself from powerful rushing water that can wash it away. This plant life also assists in stabilizing slopes and embankments, lowering the terrain’s susceptibility to landslides.

Trees, grass, crop residue, and plants offer ultimate soil coverage and intercept all falling raindrops, acting as the most effective soil erosion control measure. Mulch provides additional protection from wind and rain before the newly-planted seeds take root while minimizing soil moisture loss during prolonged dry periods.

Mulching is crucial in halting destructive erosion and establishing vegetation in places with severe exposure to natural and human-driven erosion. Experts advise utilizing hydromulching in such conditions. The absence of windbreakers like crop residue, trees, and shrubs leads to more soil displacement, thus increasing erosion and abrasion.


One of the primary roles of revegetation is to connect lost patches of natural habitat. It serves as a crucial tool in areas that have suffered extensive natural vegetation clearances like urban environments. Research shows that revegetation can facilitate the restoration of significant urban bird populations by connecting the existing habitat with new patches, enhancing bird species diversity.

Developing large habitat patches is an effective method of increasing bird abundance. Therefore, revegetation plans should carefully consider how to connect the new vegetation patches with the existing habitats for the sanctity of bird populations. Revegetating agricultural zones, in specific, can encourage breeding.

For the most part, revegetation favors thriving and common species of birds over declining, rare types. Despite its favoritism, revegetation provides a home to millions of species like small mammals, insects, and birds, when successful.

Soil fertility restoration

Activities like mining lead to extensive topsoil damages as reinstatement, stripping, and stockpiling causes soil degradation. This damage occurs through accelerated soil erosion, soil structure loss, soil PH reduction, organic matter depletion, compaction, reduced microbial activity, and heavy metal accumulation. Topsoil management is essential for restoring fertility and minimizing nutrient losses.

Revegetation via forest vegetation restores soil fertility by improving the capacity to exchange cations, organic matter, and available nutrients while sustaining biological activities and improving physical conditions.

This method is beneficial, but it takes prolonged periods to regenerate the soil to its original state. Some of the ideal trees for revegetating mined lands are grasses, legumes, trees, and herbs N-fixing species. The favorable tree species are Leucaena, Acacia, and other acid-tolerant legume trees, which provide the soils with substantial organic matter.

Pollution reduction

Revegetation and reforestation play a significant role in minimizing pollution. The net carbon release from deforestation was estimated at 1-2 billion tonnes in 1980 and between 1.5- 3 billion in 1989. There’s enough evidence to verify a significant increase in deforestation since 1980 in multiple tropical areas. Revegetation offers a long term solution to sequestering carbon (IV) oxide because as trees mature, they eliminate Carbon (IV) oxide, thus slowing down carbon buildup in the atmosphere.

Beautifies the landscape

Besides purifying the air by filtering pollutants and harmful dust and gifting human beings with life-supporting oxygen, vegetation also makes the environment beautiful. Revegetating bare land makes it attractive, restores its appearance, and can even boost its value.


If you notice your yard is looking dull or lifeless, vegetation can add color to a property’s outdoor living spaces. For example, trees bear beautiful flowers, magnificent leaves, and fruits, which can sprinkle vibrant accent colors throughout your back and front yard. For more information on how to keep your trees healthy, check out this article.

It would be best to seek an expert before embarking on your revegetation project, as it can be a meticulous process. A revegetation expert will offer expert insight and advice on how to proceed.

How Eco-friendly Batteries Can Benefit From Biomass Energy?

Organisations and more importantly, battery manufacturers are recognising the need to overcome the problem of global warming. The objective is to develop ways of producing carbon-neutral sources of energy. One of the areas currently being explored is the use of biomass resources to create sustainable, eco-friendly batteries which are suitable for use across a wide range of business sectors. With different forms of biomass energy available, the challenge is finding products that provide high performance along with being commercially viable.


A quick glance at popular biomass resources

What is Biomass Energy?

Biomass is something that we are all familiar with. It is derived from plants and animals and is now becoming an increasingly viable form of renewable energy. Initially, the energy comes from the sun, and in plants, it is converted via photosynthesis.

Regardless of its origin, the biomass will either be converted into biogas, biofuels or burnt directly to create heat. Of course, different sources of biomass produce varying amounts of energy, affecting their efficiency. As a result, high precision battery testing equipment is required to ascertain their viability.

Forms of Biomass Used for Energy

1. Wood and Products

Renewable sources of timber and the by-products of wood such as wood chip are burned in the home to create heat and in industry, burned to generate electricity. Typically, softwood such as pine is used as it is quicker to replenish than hardwood such as oak.

2. Agricultural Crops and Waste

With large amounts of waste produced from the farming sector, it is natural that this is an ideal source of energy. The materials are either converted to liquid biofuels or burned directly to generate heat or electricity.

3. Food and Household Waste

The amount of waste households produced has been increasing annually, and up until recently, the majority was disposed of it landfill sites. Nowadays, this garbage is thermochemically processed in waste-to-energy plants to produce electricity or converted into biogas at existing landfill sites.

4. Animal Manure and Human Waste

We frequently hear about the link between animal waste and global warming. Inevitably, the same is also true of human waste. Both can be converted into biogas and burned as a fuel.

How is Biomass Converted to Energy?

Biomass can be converted to energy using different methods depending on the source. Solid forms of biomass such as garbage and wood are generally burned to created heat while other types will be initially converted into either biogas or biofuels such as ethanol or other biodiesel-related fuels used to power vehicles or generators.

Human sewage and animal manure are placed in vessels known as digesters to create biogas. Liquid fuels such as biodiesel are derived from oils and animal fats. Any form of biomass must be burned at some point to generate energy.

Biomass and Batteries

The most common form of battery used in domestic appliances and mobile devices is lithium-ion batteries. However, the performance and capacity are still below what is demanded by manufacturers and consumers. As a result, manufacturers are investigating alternatives such as biomass. Naturally, high precision testing equipment such as that produced by Arbin is required to assess their potential and commercial viability accurately.

The potential of elemental sulphur has been explored although due to its poor electrical conductivity, has failed to make it onto the mass market. A composite of sulphur and porous carbon appears to be a far more viable option although this is a complicated and time-consuming process.

Carbon is one of the best conductors available, albeit at a relatively high cost. Therefore, the objective is to source carbon from biowaste, such as popular catkin that can be combined with sulphur. Popular catkin is a highly porous carbon and ideal for Li/S batteries.

High Precision Battery Testing

High precision battery testing is required to establish the commercial viability of popular catkin and other biowaste products. Marginal improvement could have a significant impact and give cell manufacturers a competitive advantage over their rivals.

Naturally, extensive research needs to be conducted to assess a variety of bioproducts that are presenting themselves as potentially viable alternative products. Increasing battery capacity and battery life is something that is required in several sectors such as with EVs, mobile devices and home appliances. Major manufacturers will be eagerly awaiting the findings of testing that is currently ongoing.

How Does a Solar Battery Storage Work?

The idea of having an energy-independent home is quite enticing for any homeowner. It comes with a lot of advantages, the main one being the fact that you won’t be affected by utility rate fluctuations. Also, you’ll be promoting the ‘green energy’ campaign, which is currently being recommended as a way of preserving the environment. Fortunately, it’s an attainable dream given the rapid advancement in the world of energy storage. All you need is a set of solar panels or a solar energy provider, and a battery backup to satisfy your needs.

Solar batteries are an integral part of this setup since they ensure a continuous supply of power if the grid goes down. This article will break down the seemingly complex operation of these storage devices into a few easy-to-understand steps. The discussion will revolve around a battery that’s already paired with a solar system rather than a standalone solar battery storage.


Feeding the Solar Energy

When sunlight rays hit the panels, the visible light is converted to electrical energy. The electrical current flows into the battery and is stored as DC electricity. It’s worth noting that there are two types of solar batteries: AC-coupled and DC-coupled. The latter has a built-in inverter that can convert the electricity current to DC or AC. As such, the DC solar electricity will flow from the panels to an external power inverter, which will convert it to AC energy that can either be used by your home appliances or stored in the AC battery. What the built-in inverter will do in this case is convert the AC electricity back to DC for storage.

As for a DC-coupled system, the battery doesn’t have a built-in inverter. As such, the DC electricity from the solar panels flows to the battery via a charge controller. Unlike in an AC setup, the power inverter in this system is only connected to your home’s wiring. As such, electricity from the solar panels or your storage battery is converted from DC to AC before flowing to your home appliances. What determines how much energy is stored in the battery?  Read on to find out more.

The Charging Process

As power flows from the solar panels, your home’s electricity setup will take precedence. Therefore, electricity directly feeds your appliances, like refrigerators, TVs, and lights. Often, this energy from solar panels can be more than what you need. For instance, on a hot afternoon, a lot of power is produced, yet your home isn’t using much of it. In such a scenario, net metering occurs, wherein the extra energy flows back to the grid. However, you can use this overflow to charge up your batteries.


The amount of electricity stored in the battery depends on how fast it charges up. If, for example, your home doesn’t use up too much power, then the charging process will be quick. Also, if you’re connected to huge panels, then a lot of electric energy will flow to your home, which means the batteries will charge up a lot faster. Once your battery is full, the charge controller will prevent it from overcharging.

If you are actively looking towards the idea of having clean, free energy, but don’t have enough money to invest in solar panels, you should definitely consider buying a solar generator. Solar generators utilize solar panels, capturing the sun’s energy. The solar energy is stored in a batter. A solar generator has four components, including the solar panels, controller, inverter, and solar battery.

Solar generators don’t require fuel to work—all you need to do is set up the solar panel, and you’ll benefit from clean, renewable energy. Because solar generators don’t release pollutants, you can safeguard your family’s health and protect the environment. Solar generators are highly preferred over traditional generators because they’re quiet, low-maintenance, and cost-effective.

Why Do You Need A Solar Battery?

Homeowners can use Plico Energy’s solar calculator or any similar online tool to determine how much solar energy they need. But even if you have a rough idea of the amount of solar power you need to sustain your daily tasks, it’s still important to buy a solar battery. Here are some of the reasons why you should invest in a solar battery:

1. To shield you from power outages

If you’re connected to a grid, there’ll always be a few moments when the transmission system malfunctions or is shut down for maintenance. As soon as this happens, the system will isolate your home from the grid and activate the backup source. In this case, the battery will operate like a backup generator.

Having backup power through solar batteries can prevent the inconveniences associated with outages. Hence, you can continue using your appliances for household chores, entertainment, studying, or working at home. Most of all, if you have a sick family member needing a piece of medical equipment, such as an oxygen tank or a respirator, you won’t face problems with sourcing a generator or a power backup.

2. Time-of-use rate plans

On these plans, you’ll be charged according to the amount of electricity you use, as well as the time during which you use it. TOU states that the power drawn from the grid at night is more valuable than the extra energy produced during the day. As such, by storing the extra energy and using it at night, you’ll reduce the overall cost of electricity in your home.

Governments around the world are recognising the benefits of solar batteries. So much so, that they are offering rebates for homeowners to help with the upfront cost of buying a solar battery. These rebates for solar batteries are becoming more and more popular and are a sign of the huge benefits batteries provide to homeowners and the world. Solar battery rebates are helping to promote the adoption of solar energy systems in many countries.

Closing Remarks

With the world embracing ‘green energy,’ solar panels are gradually replacing the traditional sources of electricity. Solar batteries play a crucial role in ensuring that you have a reliable power supply in your home. AC-couple storage batteries have a built-in inverter, which converts the electric current to DC or AC, depending on the direction.

On the other hand, a DC-couple battery doesn’t have this feature. Both batteries, however, store electric energy in DC regardless of the setup. The speed at which electricity is stored in the batteries depends on the size of the panels and the amount used by your home appliances.